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Carol Hutchins

Carol was appointed Editor-in-Chief of Computing Reviews in February 2002, replacing Neal Coulter. She has been Head Librarian at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library of New York University since 1992. Prior to that, from 1983 to 1992, she was Head Librarian at Swain Hall Library at Indiana University in Bloomington. From 1979 to 1982, she was Science Coordinator...  more

David Bellin

General Literature (A) & Computing Milieux (K)
David Bellin is a technology consultant with a special interest in the appropriate uses of Internet technology for nonprofit and international organizations. As a US Congress Fulbright scholar, Bellin developed technology courses and implemented practical systems in Honduras at the Escuela Agricola Panamericana. In 2000, Bellin was awarded a second Fulbright position ...  more

Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.

Hardware (B) & History of Computing (K.2)
Earl is currently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and holder of the Schlumberger Centennial Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, the University of Colorado, and the University of Southern California. In this position, he and his students conduct research in computer engineering...  more

Sajal Das

Computer Systems Organization (C)

Sajal K. Das is the Chair of the Computer Science Department and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla. From 2008 to 2011, he served the National Science Foundation as a Program Director in the Division of Computer Networks and Systems. Prior to 2013, he was a University Distinguished Scholar Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and  more

Edgar Weippl

Security & Protection (C.2.0)
Edgar Weippl is the research director of SBA Research and an associate professor at TU Wien. After graduating with a PhD from TU Wien, Edgar worked at a research startup for two years. He then spent one year teaching as an assistant professor at Beloit College, WI. From 2002 to 2004, while with the software vendor ISIS Papyrus, he worked as a consultant in  more

R. Clayton

Software (D.0, D.3)
R. Clayton has a long-standing interest in programming languages and systems. He worked in the CAD-CAM industry, for the regional Bell operating companies, and for a start-up involved with silicon compilation. He is currently teaching in the computer science and software engineering department at Monmouth University. He used to write a compiler a year, but now mostly...  more

Phillip A. Laplante

Software (D.1, D.3)
Phil Laplante is a professor of software engineering at Penn State’s Great Valley Graduate Professional Center. He conducts research and teaches in the areas of software and systems engineering, project management, and software testing and security. In addition to his academic career, Laplante spent several years as a software engineer and project manager working on avionics, computer ...  more

Mike Murphy

Softwar (D.4, D.m)
Mike Murphy is a professor emeritus of computer science at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, GA, where he served 16 years (1992-2008), including five years as department head of computer science, two-and-a-half years as interim VPIT, and six years as the first dean of the School of Computing and Software Engineering. Prior to SPSU, Mike was a faculty member at the University of Houston-Downtown in Houston, TX (1976-1992) ...  more

S. Srinivasan

Data (E)
Srinivasan (nickname Srini) came to the US from India in 1975 forhis doctoral work. After completing his PhD at the University ofPittsburgh, he worked at Carlow College (Pittsburgh, PA); Universityof Akron (Akron, OH); and Austin Peay State University, (Clarksville, TN) before settling at theUniversity of Louisville (Louisville, KY) where he spent 23 years. He started the Information Security...  more

Raymond Chan

Mathematics Of Computing (G)
Raymond Chan is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University in 1985. His research interests...  more

Walter Gander

Numerical Analysis (G.1) & Mathematical Software (G.4) & General (I.0)
& Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (I.1) & Miscellaneous (I.m)
He is a professor emeritus of ETH in computer science. His interests are in numerical analysis and scientific computing. He studied mathematics at ETH and became an assistant and PhD student of Heinz Rutishauser. After his PhD in 1973, supervisedby Peter Henrici, he became a professor for numerical analysis and computer science at the  more

Sujoy Paul

Information Systems (H.0, H.1, H.2)
Sujoy Paul has worked across different industries including software, finance, consulting and healthcare. He has experience dealing with the whole data ecosystem including data modeling, databases, data mining, machine learning, and business intelligence. He has also led teams where he helped design  more

Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis

Information Systems (H.3, H.4, H.m)
Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis is a senior data privacy research scientist at the IBM Watson Health lab in Cambridge, MA, where he is responsible for the design of data de-identification methods and technologies for protecting sensitive medical information under privacy and utility guarantees. At the same time (since 2015), he serves as the leader of the European Big Data Value Association (BDVA) Activity Group on data protection and pseudonymization technology. Prior to his current position at IBM  more

Celeste Paul

Information Interfaces and Presentation (H.5.0, H.5.2, H.5.3)
Celeste Lyn Paul is a senior computer scientist in the Computer and Analytic Sciences group at the US Department of Defense. Her work focuses on the use of visualization in network analysis and defense. Before joining the DOD, Paul spent ten years in industry working with  more

Afsaneh Doryab

Information Interfaces and Presentation (H.5.1,.H.5.4, H.5.5, H.5.m)
Afsaneh Doryab, PhD, is a system scientist at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at CMU. Her research aims at creating innovative technology based on streams of data generated implicitly by our interactions with the world. Her work covers the design, development and evaluation of such novel systems drawing on methods from machine learning, data mining, statistics, and human  more

Oscar Firschein

Artificial Intelligence (I.2)
After 25 years with the Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratories, Oscar Firschein spent six years with the vision group of the Artificial Intelligence Center of SRI International. In 1995 he became the Image Understanding Program Manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DAPA) in Washington, DC, where he served for four years. On his return to the...  more

Steve Carson

Computer Graphics (I.3)
George S. (Steve) Carson is President of GSC Associates, a small business that specializes in R&D applied to the design, implementation, and analysis of complex real-time signal and information processing systems, including operations research, transportation, logistics, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, collaboration, computer networks and communications ...  more

Haomin Zhou

Image Processing (I.4) & Pattern Recognition (I.5) & Simulation And Modeling (I.6)
Haomin Zhou is a professor in the School of Mathematics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his BS in pure mathematics from Peking University, China (1991), his MS in scientific computing from Peking University (1994), and M.Phil in applied mathematics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1996). He moved to the US in 1996, and obtained his PhD in applied ...  more

David L. Rodgers

Text Processing (I.7)
David L. Rodgers has particular expertise in organization and business planning for technology-based enterprises that builds on a successful career in information technology.

He presently directs the technology team ...  more

Asai Asaithambi

Computer Applications (J)
Asai Asaithambi received his PhD in computer sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently the director of the School of Computing at the University of North Florida. He is interested in computational methods for scientific and engineering problems ...  more

Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz

Hot Topics Editor
Alejandro Lopez-Ortiz received his B.Math. degree from the National University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1989, and his M.Math. and Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo (Canada) in 1990 and 1996, respectively. In his research, he combines the development ...  more

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