Raymond Chan is a professor of mathematics in the department of mathematics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD in applied mathematics from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University in 1985. His research interests are numerical linear algebra and image processing. He has published more than 100 papers, and is on the ISI's list of highly cited mathematicians. He has reviewed papers for more than 60 international journals, and currently serves on the editorial boards of: Asian Journal of Mathematics (as one of the chief editors), Advances in Computational Mathematics, Calcolo, Computing Reviews, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, and SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. Chan has presented over 90 invited lectures. He also won a Leslie Fox Prize in 1989 in Cambridge, UK; a Feng Kang Prize on Scientific Computation in 1997 in Beijing, China; and a Morningside Award in 1998 in Beijing, China.