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David Bruce Henderson
NSW Government

David Henderson is the Assistant Director of IT at the Department of Attorney General and Justice in the Australian state of New South Wales, where he is responsible for the IC&T infrastructure. David graduated from the University of Wollongong in 1982, with dual majors in chemistry and computing science, including a semester in 1982 at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA, through the International Student Exchange Program.

Not content with just working in IC&T, David's hobbies are also technical--ham radio, home computing, and radio astronomy. His well-known collection of antique computing equipment (Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8, PDP-11, and IMSAI 8080, to name but a few) has only recently been moved out of his garage and into a museum--resulting in dramatic benefits for his electricity bills.

Prior to moving into the public service, David held a variety of positions in technology service areas, IT, and audit in a career spanning 27 years with resources giant BHP Billiton. Starting as a chemist at the company's Port Kembla steelworks in 1973, his final few years with BHP were as IT manager at the company's copper and gold mine in Papua New Guinea. Since joining the Department of Attorney General and Justice in 2003, David and his colleagues have been managing the data centers, IT systems, and communications for the staff and judiciary at over 180 court houses across New South Wales, a state roughly one-and-a-quarter times the size of Texas. A current project for the department involves expanding network and courtroom video conferencing infrastructure to reduce the cost of delivering justice to the community.

David has been a reviewer for Computing Reviews since 2007, and has written 59 reviews. He has been a member of the ACM since 1994, and is also an active senior member of the Australian Computer Society.


The Internet of batteryless things
Ahmed S., Islam B., Yıldırım K., Zimmerling M., Pawełczak P., Alizai M., Lucia B., Mottola L., Sorber J. Communications of the ACM 67(3): 64-73, 2024.  Type: Article

The world is moving toward a future of very small, Internet-connected intelligent devices, that is, the Internet of Things (IoT). However, at present, providing power to these devices is a problem--the inconvenient, expensive, and environment...


Backdoor attacks and defenses in federated learning: survey, challenges and future research directions
Nguyen T., Nguyen T., Nguyen P., Pham H., Doan K., Wong K. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 1272024.  Type: Article

Machine learning (ML) technologies are becoming mainstream, particularly for the analysis of bulk data. The success of ML systems, however, hinges on the input of high-quality data and the ability to train balanced, fair, and high integrity ML mod...


Model-driven DevOps: increasing agility and security in your physical network through DevOps
King J., Carter S., Pearson Education, Boston, MA, 2023. 192 pp.  Type: Book (0137644671), Reviews: (2 of 2)

Network infrastructure management and operations are often very manually intensive processes, prone to error and slow to react to business needs. DevOps is a set of practices and tools in software development, focusing on efficiency to integrate a...


 The NICE cyber security framework: cyber security intelligence and analytics (2nd ed.)
Alsmadi I., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. 396 pp.  Type: Book (9783031216503)

Demand for skilled workers in the field of cybersecurity is currently strong and expected to remain so for the next few years. At the same time, many countries are experiencing skill shortages in this area. This book describes the National Initiat...


Trustworthy AI: from principles to practices
Li B., Qi P., Liu B., Di S., Liu J., Pei J., Yi J., Zhou B. ACM Computing Surveys 55(9): 1-46, 2023.  Type: Article, Reviews: (2 of 2)

As computing technology continues to evolve, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role in various aspects of our lives. Although AI dates back many decades--I took an AI subject in my university studies, in 1988--only re...


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