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S. Nagaraj
Chennai, India

S.V. Nagaraj obtained a bachelor of engineering degree in 1992 in computer science and engineering with a high first class from an engineering college in Chennai (which was earlier affiliated with the University of Madras). He furthered his studies at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai; he obtained a master of science by research degree in theoretical computer science in 1994 and pursued a doctoral program in the same field. The research for both his master’s and doctorate programs was supported by a fellowship offered by the Institute and funded by the Government of India’s Department of Atomic Energy. A publication on optimal binary search trees in Theoretical Computer Science paved the way for a contract researcher post in IBM’s Tokyo Research Laboratory (1997-1998). Nagaraj received his PhD in 2000, and worked at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Bangalore (a government research institute) as a scientist pursuing work related to network security. From 2000 to 2003, he worked at Infosys Technologies Limited, Bangalore -a billion-dollar software engineering firm-as a research associate, guiding teams working for multinational clients. This led to publications for both internal and external use. He wrote the landscape chapter of a book, The Art and Technology of Software Engineering (Tata McGraw-Hill), a mosaic of models and methods based on work that was done at the organization. Its success led to the publication of another book, Web Caching and Its Applications (Kluwer).

A new phase of Nagaraj’s career started in 2004 with his acceptance of an assistant professor of information technology position at a government university in Jordan. He has enjoyed working as a departmental head at a government-run university (Hadramout University) in Yemen since 2005. He has contributed to peer-reviewed conferences and journals, and leading authorities have cited his work.

His hobby is reviewing books and scholarly articles. He has been a reviewer for Computing Reviews since 2001, and also reviews for Mathematical Reviews of the AMS. He is a professional member of the ACM, the IEEE Computer Society, and the IT History Society, and a life member of the Cryptology Research Society of India.


Read our Q&A with S.V. Nagaraj here.


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