Everyone who has kept the open source software movement in the background, not having time to dig into it or figuring that it is marginalized, ought to read this paper. After the author revealed that over two-thirds of the engines driving the Internet are running open source software, such as Apache, or open source operating systems, such as Linux, he certainly had my attention. The article is an unbiased history of the open source movement. I gave it to my father-in-law, a retired IT consultant with about 40 years experience, a copy to read, and as he was giving it back, he said, “sure doesn’t take sides, does he?” I think that this is a strength of the piece, as it appears to be an evenhanded presentation of open source, without the stridency or ready dismissal that many articles have. I highly recommend this paper to anyone wanting to get up to speed on open source issues while avoiding the hype.