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Managing database: four critical factors
Gorman M., QED Information Sciences, Inc., Wellesley, MA, 1984. Type: Book (9789780894351037)
Date Reviewed: Jul 1 1985

This book is unique among database books in its treatment of both technical and management issues of database in a single volume. However, this book’s strength lies not so much in its span of coverage, but in its ability to simplify and clarify complex database concepts for both management and DP professionals. For example, the chapters on the technology of database offer a refreshingly clear explanation of technical database models (network, hierarchical, and relational) which can be readily understood by even non-DP professionals.

The author includes material on the technology of database, the staffing required to implement database, the critical phases of the database project, and, finally, the database management system for database implementation. Each of these topics is addressed through four standard database components: logical database, physical database, interrogation, and system control. The utility of this book is further enhanced by an Appendix which compares popular database packages (Total, IDMS, IMS, System 2000, ADABAS, and FOCUS) with respect to the database characteristics described in the book.

As suggested by the author, the database approach can be viewed as either a management science or a technology. The author clearly describes the risks in viewing database only as a technology and explains how a database project can be a technical success and yet be a business failure. Further, this book describes those applications for which the database approach is best suited. I strongly recommend this book as a useful and practical guide for implementing successful database projects.

Reviewer:  W. Frenkel Review #: CR108892
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Gunton T., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1990. Type: Book (9780139314520)
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Schaeffer H., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1987. Type: Book (9789780131960640)
Oct 1 1987

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