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Carol Hutchins Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Computing Reviews

New York, NY Wednesday, March 20, 2002 - Carol Hutchins, Head Librarian of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library at New York University, has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Computing Reviews, an online resource for reviews of the best in computing literature.

Developed by and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Computing Reviews helps readers manage the large amount of new material published in computer science by pointing them to the best new journal articles and books and giving them a continually updated overview of the field. Readers also benefit from the ability to link to full text, receive customized alerts and read multiple points of view. Computing Reviews is based on ACM's 40-year-old paper journal of the same name.

"I believe Carol's library background makes her a perfect choice for this position because she understands Computing Reviews' database organization and orientation; knows the available scientific literature; and is highly interested in the cultivation of ACM's Computing Classification System," said Neal Coulter, outgoing Editor-in-Chief of Computing Reviews.

Carol expressed her vision for the future of CR: "Over the next phase of its development, Computing Reviews should become well known as a reliable source for pointers to the most valuable literature across the field of computing. It is still at an early stage of transformation from an exclusively print-on-paper resource to a database-driven, searchable tool for the computing-oriented reader. ...Community-building is an aspect of the work that has done in prior projects. Clearly, every opportunity must be taken to see that Computing Reviews enhances the community of individual ACM members."

"Carol Hutchins has been a long-time advocate of bringing Computing Reviews online," said Carol Wierzbicki, Executive Editor of Computing Reviews. "This is an ideal time for her to come on board as Editor-in-Chief, as's technological and software development expertise has provided our editors and reviewers with the ideal venue for quickly and efficiently publishing their reviews. New reviewers have been signing up in droves, injecting some exciting new life into our content - ; they are the real authors of Computing Reviews and will provide unique perspectives on the current technological developments."

"We are very excited to have Carol join Computing Reviews," said Bruce Antelman of "Her in-depth knowledge of computer literature will help us broaden the scope of CR, and her expertise as a librarian will help us find new ways to make this product more useful to the library community. In addition, she understands our vision. We aim to make Computing Reviews a vital tool for the computer science community and Carol will help us do that."

Antelman added: "Computing Reviews is an especially important product to because it is a model for future titles. The technology, editorial process and user base developed for CR provides the blueprint to build into the premier reviewing service for academic and scientific literature."

Founded in 1999, is a New York-based publisher of reviews focusing on academic and professional literature. Its first titles are community-based services that provide reviews of articles and books in specific academic disciplines. For more information, visit

About the ACM:
Founded in 1947, ACM is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students worldwide. Today, our 75,000 members and the public turn to ACM for the industry's leading Portal to Computing Literature (, authoritative publications and pioneering conferences, providing leadership for the 21st century. For information about ACM, visit

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