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Online Magazine Features Computing Reviews

New York, NY Sunday, September 1, 2002 - is pleased to announce that a feature on Computing Reviews has been published in Online Magazine. Online is the leading magazine for information professionals, helping its readers select and manage electronic information products. With the Web edition of Computing Reviews officially launched in May, Susan Fingerman's article, " Comprehensively Covering Computer Science," focuses on the reincarnation of the 40-year-old print journal, Computing Reviews, "as a robust online database."

Fingerman writes that the online version of Computing Reviews has "just about everything a site can offer, for techies and non-techies alike." She finds "the Smartbox area is one of the most value-added features," allowing readers to receive alerts that can be customized by content. Fingerman also points out that "librarians will find useful for collection development, keeping up with a topic or subject expert, and identifying the current hot topics in the field." With an online publishing system in place and new reviews published daily on the web, Fingerman states that "the increased currency of is notable."

To read the entire article in Online, please go to the following URL:

Founded in 1999, is a New York-based publisher of reviews focusing on academic and professional literature. Its first titles are community-based services that provide reviews of articles and books in specific academic disciplines. For more information, visit

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