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Computing Reviews Unveils New Look

New York, NY Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - and the ACM are pleased to announce the launch of Computing Reviews' New Look. The online version of Computing Reviews is completely redesigned and has gone live as of July 6, 2004.

In the New Look every page has been redesigned. The first section to be launched is the Reader's Area. On the homepage the reviews have been divided into two sections, Articles and Books, with the most current reviews at the top. CR's New Look provides dynamic and fluid access to current literature. The beginning of the review text is now featured on the homepage and on other pages that list reviews. On the review page lists of Related Topics and Other Reviews allow readers to explore their fields in depth while cross-referencing other areas of interest.

"Computing Reviews is all about taking the large quantities of information available in the computing field and giving our readers a roadmap to the best and most interesting things published right now. We specifically planned the New Look so that design and functionality are streamlined and so that our readers can easily access the information they need," said Bruce Antelman, President of "The clarity of design of CR's New Look improves readers' comprehension of the relationships among the reviews' elements," said Carol Wierzbicki, Executive Editor.

Computing Reviews (CR) is an online resource for reviews of the best new books and articles in computing literature, available for subscription at CR's growing community of reviewers and editors use their collective expertise and insight to keep readers up-to-date on all the latest developments. Since the first online version of Computing Reviews went live in 2001, the coverage has expanded dramatically and the number of books and articles reviewed has more than tripled.

Founded in 1999, is a New York-based publisher of reviews focusing on academic and professional literature. Its first titles are community-based services that provide reviews of articles and books in specific academic disciplines. For more information, visit

About the ACM:
Founded in 1947, ACM is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students worldwide. Today, our 75,000 members and the public turn to ACM for the industry's leading Portal to Computing Literature (, authoritative publications and pioneering conferences, providing leadership for the 21st century. For information about ACM, visit

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