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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Milieux (K) > The Computing Profession (K.7) > Miscellaneous (K.7.m) > Ethics (K.7.m...)  
  1-10 of 30 Reviews about "Ethics (K.7.m...)": Date Reviewed
   Ethics of artificial intelligence: case studies and options for addressing ethical challenges
Stahl B., Schroeder D., Rodrigues R., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2023. 116 pp.  Type: Book (9783031170393)

The ethical challenges presented by artificial intelligence (AI) are not entirely new; rather, they are an extension and amplification of existing ethical and societal issues. Subjects like surveillance, manipulation, and inequality have long been...

Nov 10 2023
   Ethical machines: your concise guide to totally unbiased, transparent, and respectful AI
Blackman R., HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Cambridge, MA, 2022. 224 pp.  Type: Book (1647822815)

It has been nearly a quarter-century since Ray Kurzweil considered the emergence of “spiritual machines” [1], and twice that time since Arthur Clarke introduced us to HAL’s murderous insanity [2]. The field of artificial intellig...

Dec 16 2022
  Ethics for the information age (5th ed.)
Quinn M., Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2013. 544 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-132855-53-2)

The information age continues to transform, complicate, and excite. In order to navigate this continuous transformation, a practitioner must have not only an understanding of the technology, but also an awareness of related issues conf...

Aug 19 2013
  Measuring the importance of ethical behavior criteria
Pearson J., Crosby L., Shim J. Communications of the ACM 40(9): 94-100, 1997.  Type: Article

Individual perceptions about the importance of ethical thinking within the “data processing profession” were measured by a survey of members of the Data Processing Management Association. Although ethics is an impor...

Mar 1 1998
  Morality and machines
Edgar S., 1997.  Type: Book (9780763701840)

The increased interest in computer ethics over the past decade has led to a number of attempts to produce the quintessential book that can both serve as a textbook and help integrate the disparate views of the field. The difficulty has...

Oct 1 1997
  Evaluating ethical decision making and computer use
Loch K. (ed), Conger S. Communications of the ACM 39(7): 74-83, 1996.  Type: Article

A new approach to analyzing the factors that influence ethical decision making in the computing field is presented in this interesting and well-written paper. The authors have analyzed the literature on ethical decision making. They ar...

Mar 1 1997
  How we profess: the ethical systems analyst
Wood-Harper A., Corder S., Wood J., Watson H. Communications of the ACM 39(3): 69-77, 1996.  Type: Article

Since the creation of information systems often has ethical implications, the systems analyst is frequently put in a position of making moral decisions in the course of the development process. Moral decisions often trade off the inter...

Oct 1 1996
  The impact of codes of ethics on information systems personnel
Harrington S.  Reinventing IS (, Alexandria, VA, Mar 24-26, 1994) 2071994.  Type: Proceedings

In the past three years, several organizations, including the ACM and the IEEE, have significantly revised their codes of ethics. These changes are consistent with the attempts of professional organizations to clarify the responsibilit...

Aug 1 1995
  Computer ethics (2nd ed.)
Johnson D. (ed), Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1994.  Type: Book (9780132903394)

In the last 30 years, the impact of computer systems has increased dramatically. Not only do computers change the way people work and live, but they provide new opportunities for inappropriate behavior. Horror stories involving viruses...

Dec 1 1994
  Computer ethics
Forester T. (ed), Morrison P., MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1993.  Type: Book (9780262560733)

In the last 30 years, the impact of computer systems has increased dramatically. Not only do computers change the way people work and live, but they provide new opportunities for inappropriate behavior. Horror stories involving viruses...

Dec 1 1994
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