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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Methodologies (I) > Pattern Recognition (I.5) > Applications (I.5.4) > Signal Processing (I.5.4...)  
  1-10 of 74 Reviews about "Signal Processing (I.5.4...)": Date Reviewed
  Gradient algorithms for complex non-Gaussian independent component/vector extraction, question of convergence
Koldovský Z., Tichavský P. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67(4): 1050-1064, 2019.  Type: Article

Blind source separation/extraction (BSS/BSE) methods are widely applicable, from wireless communication to cosmic explorations. They are subsets of blind signal processing, used in original source waveform estimation, without relying o...

May 13 2021
  Smartphone-based real-time digital signal processing (2nd ed.)
Kehtarnavaz N., Sehgal A., Parris S., Morgan&Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, CA, 2019. 155 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-681734-65-1)

Digital signal processing (DSP) has been a core course in electrical engineering for the past three or four decades. Since its emergence, there have been many new and efficient techniques for signal processing. These techniques can be ...

Apr 18 2019
  How much do you read?: Counting the number of words a user reads using electrooculography
Kunze K., Katsutoshi M., Uema Y., Inami M.  AH 2015 (Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference, Singapore, Mar 9-11, 2015) 125-128, 2015.  Type: Proceedings

Reading improves the reader’s vocabulary usage and understanding of the subject, which further enhances thinking power. The reading proficiency of a person can be different from others’; it can be estimated with the...

May 26 2015
  EpiMiner: a three-stage co-information based method for detecting and visualizing epistatic interactions
Shang J., Zhang J., Sun Y., Zhang Y. Digital Signal Processing 241-13, 2014.  Type: Article

Common human diseases are the result of complex interactions between many genetic and environmental factors. Parametric statistical methods such as logistic regression are underpowered to detect interactions due to unstable parameter e...

Jul 7 2014
  Robust audio identification for MP3 popular music
Li W., Liu Y., Xue X.  SIGIR 2010 (Proceeding of the 33rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 19-23, 2010) 627-634, 2010.  Type: Proceedings

Li, Liu, and Xue tackle the problem of audio identification in MP3-encoded popular music. They focus on the compressed format as opposed to previously published works on music identification that have focused primarily on decoded raw a...

Aug 29 2011
  Advances in modern blind signal separation algorithms
Kokkinakis K., Loizou P., Morgan and Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, CA, 2010. 100 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-608451-06-7)

Blind signal separation (BSS) consists of recovering unobserved sources from several observed mixtures; the term “blind” comes from the very weak assumptions made about the mixing and the sources. Most known BSS alg...

Feb 14 2011
  Sound capture and processing: practical approaches
Tashev I., Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2009. 392 pp.  Type: Book (9780470319833)

This book could also be titled Secrets of an audio programming guru. Tashev provides valuable practical insights by sharing his personal experiences with building, testing, and tuning advanced audio processing algorithms....

Mar 5 2010
  Bayesian signal processing: classical, modern and particle filtering methods
Candy J., Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 2009. 445 pp.  Type: Book (9780470180945), Reviews: (2 of 2)

This book motivates the use of Bayesian models for signal processing from a probabilistic perspective. The author shows the connection between classic model-based signal processing that relies on prior knowledge and the probabilistic B...

Oct 23 2009
  Bayesian signal processing: classical, modern and particle filtering methods
Candy J., Wiley-Interscience, New York, NY, 2009. 445 pp.  Type: Book (9780470180945), Reviews: (1 of 2)

This is one of the best texts on advanced signal processing. This is not surprising, considering Candy’s previous textbook [1]....

Oct 20 2009
  Estimating the joint statistics of images using nonparametric windows with application to registration using mutual information
Dowson N., Kadir T., Bowden R. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30(10): 1841-1857, 2008.  Type: Article

How do you create a discrete histogram that accurately describes the information in a continuous signal? More specifically, how do you accomplish this task for a pair of two-dimensional (2D) images? One answer to these questions is to ...

Mar 23 2009
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