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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Methodologies (I) > Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (I.1) > Algorithms (I.1.2) > Analysis Of Algorithms (I.1.2...)  
  1-10 of 11 Reviews about "Analysis Of Algorithms (I.1.2...)": Date Reviewed
  On minimum sum of radii and diameters clustering
Behsaz B., Salavatipour M. Algorithmica 73(1): 143-165, 2015.  Type: Article

The minimum sum of radii (MSR) problem is that of finding the least possible sum of radii of (at most) k clusters covering a set V of n points, where the points form a graph whos...

Oct 8 2015
  The (weighted) metric dimension of graphs: hard and easy cases
Epstein L., Levin A., Woeginger G. Algorithmica 72(4): 1130-1171, 2015.  Type: Article

Metric dimension (MD) optimization algorithms require computation in such areas as network verification, mastermind games, metric and digital geometry, image digitization, robot navigation, drug discovery, and combinatorics problems. T...

Aug 31 2015
  The greedy algorithm for shortest superstrings
Kaplan H., Shafrir N. Information Processing Letters 93(1): 13-17, 2005.  Type: Article

The shortest superstring problem is as follows: given a finite set of strings, find the shortest possible string s, such that every string in the set is a substring of s. Although this question is ...

Nov 3 2005
  KBFS: K-best-first search
Felner A., Kraus S., Korf R. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 39(1-2): 19-39, 2003.  Type: Article

It is a very well-known result that in the presence of a perfect heuristic function (that is, h (n,t) = g* (n,t)), an admissible single-agent search...

Oct 24 2005
  Tumble, a fast simple iteration algorithm for Fibonacci
Johnson L. Information Processing Letters 89(4): 187-189, 2004.  Type: Article

The classic iteration for Fibonacci numbers updates the calculation variables. In this note, a faster linear iteration process is presented. Algorithms are derived for individual numbers, and for sequence generation. This technique can...

Jul 27 2004
  Fraction-free row reduction of matrices of skew polynomials
Beckermann B., Cheng H., Labahn G.  Symbolic and algebraic computation (Proceedings of the 2002 international symposium, Lille, France, Jul 7-10, 2002) 8-15, 2002.  Type: Proceedings

Skew polynomials are very useful in symbolic computation and algebra to uniformly model problems involving differential or difference operators. This paper is devoted to introducing a new algorithm, computing the row reduction of a mat...

Jan 15 2004
  Classification of all the minimal bilinear algorithms for computing the coefficients of the product of two polynomials modulo a polynomial. Part II
Averbuch A., Galil Z., Winograd S. Theoretical Computer Science 86(2): 143-203, 1991.  Type: Article

The authors consider algorithms for computing the coefficients of completing their previous work [1], which dealt with the same calculation mod Q ( u ) l
Dec 1 1992
  There is no “Uspensky’s method.”
Akritis A.  Symbolic and algebraic computation (, Waterloo, Ont., Canada, Jul 21-23, 1986) 901986.  Type: Proceedings

The continued fraction methods for solving a polynomial equation consist essentially of transforming a polynomial by using x = a + 1/x′, (for instance, to isolate the roots by reducing the number of sign ...

Sep 1 1988
  Analysis of tree algorithms for the simulation event list
Kingston J. Acta Informatica 22(1): 15-33, 1985.  Type: Article

This paper presents some research results concerning the analysis of two tree algorithms that are used to maintain discrete simulation event lists. The author’s purpose is to demonstrate that algorithms that are designed to e...

Feb 1 1988
  Parallel algorithms for algebraic problems
von zur Gathen J. (ed) SIAM Journal on Computing 13(4): 802-824, 1984.  Type: Article

Theoretically fast algorithms are described for solving problems in algebraic symbol manipulation, including greatest common divisor (gcd) of univariate polynomials, factoring of polynomials over finite fields, and related problems. Ot...

May 1 1985
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