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1-10 of 46 Reviews about "
Algorithm Design And Analysis (G.4...)
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Filterworld: how algorithms flattened culture
Chayka K., Doubleday, New York, NY, 2024. 304 pp. Type: Book (9780385548281)
Kyle Chayka describes “Filterworld” as “the vast, interlocking, and yet diffuse network of algorithms that influences our lives today.” This book is a personal memoir and sociological/anthropological exploration of Filterwo...
Jun 21 2024
Algorithmic poverty
Kirkpatrick K. Communications of the ACM 64(10): 11-12, 2021. Type: Article
The lack of transparency in algorithms and the data they use is a matter of current interest. In addition to a nontransparent process, results are also nontransparent, lacking explanation or justification. These problems lead to unfairness and bia...
Nov 22 2022
Near optimal online algorithms and fast approximation algorithms for resource allocation problems
Devanur N., Jain K., Sivan B., Wilkens C. Journal of the ACM 66(1): 1-41, 2019. Type: Article
The resource allocation problem is an age-old problem with a rich history. This paper revisits the resource allocation problem, albeit in a different setting, finding “a middle ground between worst-case and stochastic [analys...
Sep 21 2021
The algorithm design manual (3rd ed.)
Skiena S., Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. 793 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030542-55-9)
Algorithms have been around for a long time, for example, the Euclidean algorithm to find the maximum common divisor of two integers is about 2400 years old. Nowadays, though, “algorithm” refers to instructions exec...
May 12 2021
Introduction to distributed self-stabilizing algorithms
Altisen K., Devismes S., Dubois S., Petit F., Morgan&Claypool Publishers, San Rafael, CA, 2019. 166 pp. Type: Book (978-1-681735-36-8)
Distribution is one of the most pervasive features of modern computing architectures. From the multiple specialized processors that make up a personal computer, to the network of computers in a modern automobile, to the Internet itself...
May 12 2020
Comparative study of computational algorithms for the Lasso with high-dimensional, highly correlated data
Kim B., Yu D., Won J. Applied Intelligence 48(8): 1933-1952, 2018. Type: Article
High-dimensional data analysis boils down to statistical regression, or selecting the variables that guarantee the most stable results across a wide variety of situations: as the number of variables increases, so do the possible outcom...
Oct 24 2018
A moderately exponential time algorithm for
-IBDD satisfiability
Nagao A., Seto K., Teruyama J. Algorithmica 80(10): 2725-2741, 2018. Type: Article
Branching programs can be modeled using binary decision diagrams (BDDs), which are rooted directed acyclic graphs with vertices labeled using variables of the program, and two sink nodes representing zero and one. In an ordered BDD (OB...
Aug 15 2018
Maximizing polynomials subject to assignment constraints
Makarychev K., Sviridenko M. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 13(4): 1-15, 2017. Type: Article
This paper considers “the
-adic assignment problem.” Fix a number
=2), and suppose we are given, for some number
, a 2
Jul 13 2018
Ring-shaped hotspot detection
Eftelioglu E., Shekhar S., Kang J., Farah C. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28(12): 3367-3381, 2016. Type: Article
What is the best way to search for an annular object? Such problems arise in situations as diverse as meteorite craters and the spread of infections. Previous methods of spatial searching have normally looked for rectangles or ellipses...
May 12 2017
Algorithms: design techniques and analysis
Alsuwaiyel M., World Scientific Publishing Co, Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2016. 572 pp. Type: Book
Techniques for the design and analysis of algorithms are at the heart of computer science. They are essential for solving complex problems, understanding those that are hard to solve, and creating applications that are efficient in the...
Jul 21 2016
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