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Naga R Narayanaswamy
Lucent Technologies
Landover, Maryland

Naga Raju Narayanaswamy has been a Senior Software Engineer at Lucent Technologies (Landover, Maryland) since April 2000. He works in the PSAX IP Edge Router group, which is part of the Multiservice Switching division of Lucent Technologies.

Narayanaswamy graduated from the College of Engineering, Trivandrum, India in 1991 with a Bachelor of Technology degree in Computer Science and Engineering. He worked at the National Center for Software Technology, under the Government of India, as a Staff Scientist for two years in the areas of software engineering and database management. After that, he joined the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras to complete his M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering with an emphasis in Computer Networking. He published papers in Computer Communications and International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering as part of his M.S. thesis work.

He worked for CommVault Systems (Oceanport, New Jersey) for over two years in the area of automated backup and recovery software. He then moved on to Newbridge Networks (Herndon, Virginia) as a software designer working on the carrier scale internetworking project for Newbridge's 36170 multiservice switch. He has experience with multiple aspects of IP networking, and various flavors of Unix, including Linux and *BSD.

Narayanaswamy currently lives in Crofton, Maryland with his wife, Pushkala, and daughter, Vibha. He likes to travel, read books, and tinker with electronic gadgets, and is a photo enthusiast in his spare time.


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White R., Banks E., Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston, MA, 2018. 832 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-587145-04-9)

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Concepts and practices: designing and developing a modern K-12 CS framework
Parker M., DeLyser L.  SIGCSE 2017 (Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Seattle, WA, Mar 8-11, 2017) 453-458, 2017.  Type: Proceedings

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Ghosh R., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2017. 546 pp.  Type: Book

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