Saturnino Luz is a lecturer in computer science at Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), where he currently teaches courses in artificial intelligence, information management, and human-computer interaction. He also conducts research in cooperation with the computational linguistics and machine learning research groups.
The overall goal of his research is to develop novel technologies that might improve the quality of interaction between humans and computers. His interests include a variety of subjects, such as spoken language recognition and processing, computer-supported collaborative work, dialogue systems, software agents, and applications of categorial logics to natural language parsing. Over the past few years, he has worked on inference engines and knowledge representation modules for dialogue systems, developed a system for Internet-based access to large, distributed corpora, and collaborated on projects on spoken language dialogue systems and in the European Network for Intelligent Information Interfaces (i3net). Recently, Luz has been working on interfaces to enable users to retrieve information from multimedia records, on desktop as well as handheld computers.
Despite the fact that a great deal of his work is concerned with making the interaction between humans and computers easier and more natural, Luz sees no problem with writing his papers in LaTeX, editing HTML code in Emacs, or compiling a C program by typing a command line (though he admits that this last one might seem somewhat "unnatural").