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Michael G. Murphy
Southern Polytechnic State University
Marietta, Georgia

Mike Murphy is a professor emeritus of computer science at Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, GA, where he served 16 years (1992-2008), including five years as department head of computer science, two-and-a-half years as interim VPIT, and six years as the first dean of the School of Computing and Software Engineering. Prior to SPSU, Mike was a faculty member at the University of Houston-Downtown in Houston, TX (1976-1992). His degrees are all in mathematics, with a BA (1968) from Florida State University, and MS (1973) and PhD (1976) from LSU.

Mike served as a team leader and first lieutenant in the Intelligence Data Handling System joint service operation in Vietnam (1971) and as a faculty fellow at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (1990-1992). Mike had 118 reviews published by Computing Reviews from 1986 through 2012. He has also reviewed papers extensively for a variety of computer science and software engineering conferences. Mike has been active in program accreditation, particularly computer science and software engineering, and has most recently served as an Engineering Accreditation Commissioner for ABET (2011-2013).

Since 2008, Mike has been an adjunct professor of computer science at Concordia University Texas in Austin, TX.

He started as a CR reviewer in 1986, and has written over 100 reviews. In January 2013, he became a CR category editor for software.


A survey on thread-level speculation techniques
Estebanez A., Llanos D., Gonzalez-Escribano A. ACM Computing Surveys 49(2): 1-39, 2016.  Type: Article

The technique called thread-level speculation (TLS) seeks to allow sequential code to be executed in parallel without prior analysis of compile-time dependence. This noteworthy survey paper includes the technique, a taxonomy of TLS app...


Optimal online scheduling with arbitrary hard deadlines in multihop communication networks
Mao Z., Koksal C., Shroff N. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 24(1): 177-189, 2016.  Type: Article

This carefully written paper from Mao et al. makes important contributions to optimal online packet scheduling in the context of hard deadlines and a multihop wired network. A modification of the familiar earliest deadline first (EDF) ...


Intelligent brokers in an Internet of Things for logistics
Karakostas B., Bessis N.  ICC 2016 (Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Cambridge, UK, Mar 22-23, 2016) 1-7, 2016.  Type: Proceedings

This interesting paper addresses the nature of and the need for intelligent brokers to support logistics applications related to the Internet of Things (IoT). Brokers serve as a bridge among smart objects as well as to information tech...


What children ask about computers, the Internet, robots, mobiles, games etc.
Borowski C., Diethelm I., Wilken H.  WiPSCE 2016 (Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Münster, Germany, Oct 13-15, 2016) 72-75, 2016.  Type: Proceedings

The questions children in elementary school have about computers and such is the motivation for this short and interesting, but dated, paper. The idea is that children’s interests can guide teachers in supporting and augmenti...


Adaptive play: a prototype of a responsive children’s videogame for greater inclusivity
Jones R.  NordiCHI 2016 (Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 23-27, 2016) 1-6, 2016.  Type: Proceedings

This paper, described as an extended abstract, describes a prototype for an adaptive game environment to provide real-time adjustments in the user interface that will better serve children’s needs and preferences. The format ...


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