Computing Reviews

Quality of experience and learning in information systems
Antoniou J., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2021. 110 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/08/21

The primary mission of this book is to discuss the experiences (in toto) of anyone learning and using any new infonomics technology. However, that experience is viewed from several venues, that is, trust, bias in design, and personal freedom. As the various topics and themes of this book are treated, the reader should note the leitmotif (which is typical of many current books and articles dealing with all genres of infonomics): the crucial importance of psychology, morality, and ethics as the fundamental underpinnings of any treatise on the future of technology.

One does not read too far into this book before he/she is impressed with the insightful acuity of the author to emphasize experience well as expertise. The technology philosophy of the 70s and 80s, that is, ”here is what you will do according to what I tell you to do,” is replaced by “why” and “what are the implications of doing what you are doing.” It is a refreshing and enlightening view of technology.

Chapter 1 is an obligatory overview of what’s new in emerging technologies, with an emphasis on innovation and the use of technology in educational platforms. Chapter 2 is a more in-depth investigation of educational technologies, both informal and formal. Chapter 3 continues to explore the topics introduced in chapter 2 by focusing on distance learning, which of course has come to its fore because of Covid-19.

Chapter 4 shifts gears and dwells on the cloud and its impact on users and society. Chapter 5 concentrates on the importance of decision–making with which designers and users wrestle on a continuous scale. Again, morality and ethics are constant companions in the presentation. Chapter 6 rightfully introduces and discusses artificial intelligence (AI), but not in a sterile, robotic atmosphere. Chapter 7 concludes the book, relating how technology must always consider impact on the user and how technology has to be user-centered and not “users on the side.”

Dr. Antoniou is not only a scientist of distinguished ability; she is also a moral and ethical conscience for every inventor, developer, and user of infonomics in the 21st century. We owe her a major debt of gratitude. The book would be appropriate for a general audience, but especially for graduate students in information technology (IT) or compliance, IT professionals, or research scientists.

Reviewer:  James Van Speybroeck Review #: CR147350

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