Computing Reviews

Patterns for software integrity protection
Rauter T., Höller A., Iber J., Kreiner C.  EuroLoP 2015 (Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, Kaufbeuren, Germany, Jul 8-12, 2015)ArticleNo.-49,2015.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 04/05/16

Patterns have a growing presence in supporting software analysis and development. This paper addresses the issue of patterns as a tool for protecting software integrity, a setting in which patterns have been underused. Two new patterns are described that focus on software integrity in terms of protection and attestation: Integrity protection prevents execution of modified software modules, and integrity attestation ensures software integrity to a remote system.

After a brief introductory section, the second section introduces and discusses a number of relevant existing patterns incorporated in or related to the new patterns. A straightforward online banking scenario is then used to motivate the need for attention to integrity issues. The fourth and fifth sections provide well-organized analysis and insight into the relevant aspects of patterns addressing integrity protection and integrity attestation, respectively. The next section looks at how to select and apply the patterns. Five figures and one table help the reader visualize key concepts. In general, the layout of the paper makes it quite easy to read and absorb.

This paper should appeal to researchers and practitioners in the software pattern community and those with an interest in the protection of software integrity.

Reviewer:  M. G. Murphy Review #: CR144289 (1606-0410)

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