Computing Reviews

Cybersecurity for industrial control systems :SCADA, DCS, PLC, HMI, and SIS
Macaulay T., Auerbach Publications,Boston, MA,2012. 320 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 05/21/12

This work intends to fill the gap between the technical and management aspects of security in industrial control systems (ICS). The authors argue that technocratic solutions have dominated the field, without leveraging existing alternatives.

They start by defining the role of industrial control systems in business and their relation to information systems. The difference between threats to the information technology infrastructure and the vulnerabilities of ICS are depicted. The authors try to appeal to a wide audience, from beginners to business professionals.

This is definitely not a book that explains the bits and bytes. Rather, it represents one of the first attempts to create awareness amongst engineers and managers of the increasing threats to infrastructures and the advantages of sound security planning, especially as industrial control systems move toward the Internet. This is a book written by practitioners, for practitioners. The authors rely heavily on their own experience and cases they have been confronted with during their careers.

Reviewer:  Carla Sánchez Aguilar Review #: CR140166 (1209-0913)

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