Computing Reviews

Structural dynamics and ride comfort of a rail vehicle system
Stribersky A., Moser F., Rulka W. Advances in Engineering Software33(7-10):541-552,2002.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 08/21/03

In this paper, the authors outline their techniques for the numerical simulation of the motion of a virtual system of a metro train. The various components of the virtual train, such as the car bodies, the bogies, and the couplers, were modularized into a database. This allowed the authors to examine various configurations, such as a single car, a two-car unit, or a three-car train. Rigid or elastic car body modules were created. Some of their calculated results are compared with measurements made on an actual prototype rail vehicle.

Different mathematical modeling schemes were used and compared; the principal ones mentioned are the multibody software program Simpack, and the Aqabus finite element model. The mathematical modeling is discussed only in a generalized way; readers may have difficulty understanding exactly what detailed modeling treatments were used.

There are, unfortunately, many English usage errors in this paper. The sentence structure often appears to be a word-by-word translation from German, with not only the word order of that language preserved, but doubtful literal English equivalents of German technical terms employed as well. The journal editors could have easily worked out the needed corrections with the authors.

Reviewer:  Melvin L. Tobias Review #: CR128156 (0401-0107)

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