Computing Reviews

Javascript :the definitive guide
Flanagan D., O’Reilly & Associates, Inc.,Sebastopol, CA,2002. 916 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/06/02

This excellent book is aimed at developers of dynamic Web pages accessed by the latest Web browsers, and is intended for developers who are in learning mode as well as those in reference mode. It addresses both of these needs very successfully. The book consists of six parts: “Core JavaScript,” “Client-Side JavaScript,” “Core JavaScript Reference,” “Client-Side JavaScript Reference,” “W3C DOM Reference,” and “Class, Property, Method, and Event Handler Index.”

The introductory chapter has 19 pages, and provides the setting for the rest of the book. It discusses the myths of Javascript and its various versions. Descriptions are provided of the different contexts in which Javascript is used, and definitions and examples are given.

Part 1 is devoted to a narrative about the core Javascript language, for readers in learning mode. This part has some 150 pages, comprising chapters 2 through 10. It starts with a description of the lexical structure of the language, its data types, and their values. After developing variable definitions, the author goes on to expand explanations of expressions, operators, and statements. The concepts of functions, objects, and arrays are introduced, along with pattern matching facilities.

Part 2, which is also presented in instruction mode, covers client-side Javascript in 240 pages, comprising 11 more chapters. It describes how Web browsers work, and the effect Javascript has on them. The author emphasizes event programming as the main part of activation of process steps. This part explains a set of object models that support client-side programming. They are the window, navigator, screen, location, history, and frame objects. The text illustrates how documents, forms, and cookies are processed. The author explains how Javascript can process the document object model (DOM), which provides an environment for the basis of processing cascading style sheets, dynamic HTML, and event handling. The remainder of this part deals with the issues of compatibility, security, and interactions with Java.

Part 3 is a reference for the core components of Javascript, which were described in Part 1. It starts with an introduction on the use of the reference, and then lists the methods and properties of classes in alphabetical order. In Part 4, the client side of Javascript is also presented in a reference format. This follows the same structure as was used in Part 3. There is an introduction, followed by a listing of the classes, methods, and properties of the client-side objects.

Part 5 is a reference for the objects of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) DOM section of Javascript. It starts with an introduction on how to use the reference, and then presents the objects, classes, methods, and properties of the DOM. In Part 6, there is a full index of the objects, classes, properties, and methods described in the reference parts of the book for the domains of core Javascript, client-side Javascript, and the W3C DOM respectivel y.

The book is well structured, and will be useful both to those looking to learn Javascript and to experienced developers seeking a reference.

Reviewer:  A. J. Payne Review #: CR126436 (0212-0683)

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