Computing Reviews

Information policies
Rowlands I., Vogel S., Taylor Graham Publishing,London, UK,1991.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 04/01/92

Cultural lag--the tendency of nonmaterial culture to develop more slowly than associated material culture--is wonderfully exemplified by the frantic scramble of contemporary policymakers to catch up with the explosion in the information infrastructure. The policy issues raised by this rapidly developing technology can engender lively debates. That the British have recognized the importance of those issues is shown by this book.

Unfortunately, this slim volume contributes only indirectly to the debates. Aside from a short introductory essay, it consists largely of annotated bibliographies and a chronology of events related to information policies, focusing almost exclusively on the UK. Briefly described are 147 references, 153 events (1950–1990), ten newsletters, 20 journals, and four abstracting services.

Reviewer:  A. Blackman Review #: CR115732

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