Computing Reviews

Direct demonstration of the power to break public-key cryptosystems
Koyama K.  Advances in cryptology (, Sydney, Australia, Jan 8-11, 1990)211990.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 09/01/91

Consider a public key cryptosystem function E that transforms a plaintext message M into a ciphertext C = E(M). An individual A wishes to prove to an individual B that A can produce M given only C, but A does not wish to divulge to B either the plaintext M or the method by which A produces M from C.

The solution presented for RSA cryptosystems is to factor the encryption exponent e into k &dundot; m; this factoring is agreed upon beforehand by A and B. A, having produced M from C, sends P = Mk mod n to B. By raising P to the mth power, B should obtain C, demonstrating that A was in possession of M. The solution for the discrete logarithm problem is completely analogous.

Reviewer:  D. A. Buell Review #: CR115148

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