Computing Reviews

Disaster recovery handbook
, TAB Books,Blue Ridge Summit, PA,1991.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 08/01/91

It is a commonplace that many enterprises today depend on their computer systems and the data they manage for normal business operation and even for survival. Prudent managers recognize this dependency and the need to survive in the event of extended interruption in the availability of their computer service or loss of data resources.

This book represents a distillation of information from more than 3,000 major US corporations regarding their management of potential loss of their information or their information processing capability due to a wide set of possible disasters. It serves both as a taxonomy of problems and approaches to solutions and as a set of specific checklists to review so management can be convinced that they have considered all contingencies. A detailed table of contents and an extensive index facilitate use of this book for reference.

Reviewer:  C. R. Attanasio Review #: CR115082

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