Computing Reviews

On the convergence of “A self-supervised vowel recognition system”
Pathak A., Pal S. Pattern Recognition20(2):237-244,1987.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 08/01/88

The authors prove the convergence of a self-supervised recognition algorithm that was reported a few years ago. The key concept related to this algorithm is represented by the guard zones, which are ellipsoidal regions around the reference objects. It is assumed that any input object belonging to such a zone has a very low probability of misclassification.


Pal, S. K.; Datta, A. K.; and Majumder, D. D.A self-supervised vowel recognition system. Pattern Recogn. 12, 1 (1980), 27–34.

Reviewer:  F. Petrescu Review #: CR112402

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