Computing Reviews

An automated office for the laboratory scientist
Hennessy A., Roberts L., Chang Scoggins S. Journal of Microcomputer Applications9(1):15-26,1986.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 07/01/87

This is an interesting and readable account of an attempt to “automate” the laboratory scientist’s notebook using the technology of the microcomputer and the spreadsheet. Fully implemented, it should indeed be an enticing tool for the bench scientist. It is a good example of going about the interdisciplinary development of a practical tool.

However, in the opinion of the reviewer, not enough attention is given to the function of the bound laboratory notebook. This notebook, written in ink day by day, is the ultimate archival document and record of research, and is very difficult to counterfeit after the fact.

Personal communication with the authors revealed another pitfall of this kind of research: the vagabond nature of much of the professoriate. Having gotten far enough to publish, they did so and then went their separate ways, leaving an orphan project. Somebody else will have to take this up and bring it to practical fruition.

Reviewer:  Leonard Zettel Review #: CR110636

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