Computing Reviews

Browse and navigate: an advance in database access methods
Noerr P., Bivins Noerr K. Information Processing and Management: an International Journal21(3):205-213,1985.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 02/01/86

This paper discusses the database design developed by the authors’ company for its new range of database systems as an example of a design of database which allows a wider range of capabilities than does the conventional IR database. The paper discusses the range of searching options which are now possible. It describes how searches may be prestructured to pinpoint the desired target items, which are then selected from a browsable display. It describes the navigation capability which allows the user to move from record to record within the database, thus facilitating the extraction of “related” information. The design is discussed from the user viewpoint, and emphasis is placed on the facilities and how they complement existing Boolean/key access facilities.

--Authors’ Abstract

This paper provides an overview of a commercial product available from the authors’ company. It is not a contribution to the research literature.

Reviewer:  C. M. Eastman Review #: CR110067

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