Computing Reviews

Comparative evaluation of networks and protocols
Pooch U., John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,New York, NY,1984.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 08/01/85

The chapter contains basic definitions of networks (resource sharing, distributed computing, remote communications); network architectures (layers of control, protocols); design issues (distributed vs. centralized control, resource allocation being dynamic or fixed); and topology (structure and placement of functions).

Most of the chapter addresses three example networks--IBM’s SNA, DEC’s DNA, and ARPANET. For a novice to networking, this chapter provides good insights into some of the major design tradeoffs (for example the advantages/weaknesses of centralized vs. distributed networks), as well as fairly good summaries of the example networks.

--Reviewer’s Abstract

This is a good overview article on networking. For a person interested in what networking is about, this chapter can give some fairly detailed information. It explains what protocols are and what they do. The author gives some of the key design issues in networks, such as how types of networks can be classified by resource sharing, distributed processing, and remote communication access. It explains datagrams, and virtual circuits in terms that a nontechnical person can understand. Layers of network function are explained in terms of functionality and relationship to the user and physical network.

The discussion of the SNA architecture is useful to help the reader understand the transmission subsystem control flow, SDLC frame formats, and link control. The section on DEC DECnet architecture is the only one of three examples that does any comparison of the three architectures. It was not clear to the reviewer why this is the case. The comparisons are helpful in some cases and a little confusing to the reader in others.

ARPA network is covered in great detail without any comparison with the two prior examples. From the great wealth of printed information on ARPANET, this author borrows heavily and explains ARPANET in a clear, easy to understand, manner.

Reviewer:  Frank Feuille Review #: CR108923

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