Computing Reviews

A basic abstract semantic algebra
Mosses P.  Semantics of data types (, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Jun 27-29, 1984)1081984.Type:Proceedings
Date Reviewed: 06/01/85

The author here continues his long-term project of trying to improve the modularity, modifiability, and comprehensibility of semantic descriptions by the use of “abstract semantic algebras” (i.e., axiomatically-specified algebraic structures whose models are domains of denotations and (continuous) operations on them, such as sequential composition). After some introductory material, this paper goes on to specify a basic semantic algebra which provides a basis for several extensions suitable for describing separate orthogonal facets of programming languages: functional, imperative, declarative, and so on. The problem of developing systematic ways of combining such various single-facet specifications is left to future work.

The paper concludes by sketching a demonstration of the correctness of one of the abstract specifications. This involves giving a concrete model of the axioms to show consistency and then proving limiting-completeness, a concept introduced by Wadsworth [1]. A set of axioms is limiting-complete relative to a model when they imply the validity of rewrite rules (which have the property that the denotation of a phrase is the limit of the denotations of its partial unfoldings). The details of these arguments are to appear in an expanded version of the paper.


Wadsworth, C. P.The relation between the computational and denotational properties for Scott’s D0E–models of the lambda–- calculus, SIAM J. Comput. 5 (1976), 488–521.

Reviewer:  R. D. Tennent Review #: CR108795

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