Research methods for design science are presented in this book. It has adapted techniques from traditional disciplines to design science. For instance, iterative prototyping is a method used in software engineering, and the book adapts this technique to design science. Some of the techniques that are used in design science include creativity patterns, problem selection and development patterns, literature search patterns, and suggestion and development patterns. In the book, all of these patterns are described in depth. The authors have analyzed how these patterns can be used in design science, such as how brainstorming can be used for developing an innovative solution, which is explored in the creativity patterns section. The book also covers the relevant design science research patterns adapted from the theory of inventive problem solving.
The book has three parts. Part 1 is about the design science research methodology. The second part is about patterns. In Part 3, knowledge contribution and research pattern usage are analyzed. It advances the state of the art in the area by examining many patterns and discussing their usage in design science.
The book is organized in an overlapping way. In its current form, there is a big intersection between the three parts, and it is unclear how the chapters are divided. Use cases from highly cited and respected design science papers are not present. Moreover, readers could benefit more if patterns from different domains were presented because design science research differs according to the domain.
In Part 2, different patterns to describe research practice are presented. For every pattern category, more specific patterns are designed. For the specific patterns, use cases are listed at the end. The book does not present a use case for concepts related to patterns. Using the details of use cases for explaining concepts is a point that the authors should have considered. That would have been more helpful for readers.
The book achieves its stated goal of presenting an overview of design science research paradigms. It is a well-written and focused book. The language is easily understandable. This book should be useful to scholars, researchers, and industry professionals in information science and design science. It consists of very valuable practical information about research methods and patterns for design science.
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