Best Reviews | Notable Books & Articles | "Best of" Archive |
Computing Reviews is happy to bring you the 20th annual list of notable items published in computing—this time for 2015. We reached out to many in the computing community for nominations: our reviewers, CR category editors, the editors in chief of journals we cover, and computer scientists in both industry and academia. In addition, we included proceedings papers that were recognized as "Best Papers" at their respective conferences, as well as the most downloaded journal papers from some of the top journals covered in CR.
We received a total of 100 nominations, but excluded those that were self-nominations. In total, you will find 92 items on our list, with numerous publishers represented.
As we continue to improve our methods for collecting nominations and involve more of your peers in the computing community, we hope to bring you even more definitive lists in the coming years.
We welcome your feedback, and encourage you to email us with any questions (editorial@computingreviews.com).
All reviews with the symbol are freely available on the site. Download the full list as a PDF.
Notable Books and Articles in Computing of 2015 |
B. Hardware Valiron B.; Ross N.; Selinger P.; Alexander D.; Smith J.Programming the quantum future. Communications of the ACM58,8(August 2015),52-61.
C. Computer Systems Organization Ali M.; Khan S. U.; Vasilakos A. V. Security in cloud computing: opportunities and challenges. Information Sciences 305, 1 (June 2015), 357-383.
Barenboim L.Deterministic (Δ + 1)-coloring in sublinear (in Δ) time in static, dynamic and faulty networks. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing(PODC 2015),ACM,2015,345-354.
Beurdouche B.; Bhargavan K.; Delignat-Lavaud A.; Fournet C.; Kohlweiss M.; Pironti A.; Strub P.; Zinzindohoue J.A messy state of the union:taming the composite state machines of TLS. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy(SP 2015),IEEE Computer Society,2015,535-552.
Chen H.-L.; Cummings R.; Doty D.; Soloveichik D. Speed faults in computation by chemical reaction networks. Distributed Computing (2015), 1-18.
Corrigan-Gibbs H.; Boneh D.; Mazières D.Riposte:an anonymous messaging system handling millions of users. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy(SP 2015),IEEE Computer Society,2015,321-338.
Dastbaz M.; Pattinson C.; Akhgar B.Green information technology:a sustainable approach.Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
Grosvenor M.; Schwarzkopf M.; Gog I.; Watson R.; Moore A.; Hand S.; Crowcroft J.Queues don’t matter when you can JUMP them!. In Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation(NSDI 2015),USENIX Association,2015,1-14.
Gupta A.; Jha R. K. A survey of 5G network: architecture and emerging technologies. IEEE Access 3 (July 2015), 1206-1232.
Kreutz D.; Ramos F. M. V.; Esteves Verissimo P.; Esteve Rothenberg C.; Azodolmolky S.; Uhlig S. Software-defined networking: a comprehensive survey. Proceedings of the IEEE 103, 1 (Jan. 2015), 14-76.
Mendes H.; Herlihy M.; Vaidya N.; Garg V.Multidimensional agreement in Byzantine systems. Distributed Computing28,6(December 2015),423-441.
Miyaji A.; Omote K.Self-healing wireless sensor networks. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience27,10(July 2015),2547-2568.
Vissicchio S.; Tilmans O.; Vanbever L.; Rexford J.Central control over distributed routing. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication(SIGCOMM 2015),ACM,2015,43-56.
Ying L.; Srikant R.; Kang X. The power of slightly more than one sample in randomized load balancing. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015), IEEE, 2015, 1131-1139.
D. Software Chen H.; Ziegler D.; Chajed T.; Chlipala A.; Kaashoek M.; Zeldovich N.Using Crash Hoare logic for certifying the FSCQ file system. In Proceedings of the 25th Symposium(Operating Systems Principles),ACM,2015,18-37.
Elmalaki S.; Wanner L.; Srivastava M.CAreDroid:adaptation framework for Android context-aware applications. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom 2015),ACM,2015,386-399.
Foo K.; Jiang Z.; Adams B.; Hassan A.; Zou Y.; Flora P.An industrial case study on the automated detection of performance regressions in heterogeneous environments. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference(Software Engineering),IEEE Press,2015,159-168.
Grande J.; Boudol G.; Serrano M.JThread, a deadlock-free mutex library. In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming(PPDP 2015),ACM,2015,149-160.
Graham-Cumming J.The GNU make book.No Starch Press.
Newcombe C.; Rath T.; Zhang F.; Munteanu B.; Brooker M.; Deardeuff M.How Amazon Web Services uses formal methods. Communications of the ACM58,4(April 2015),66-73.
Stepanov A.; Rose D.From mathematics to generic programming.Addison-Wesley Professional.
E. Data Ghosh S.Distributed systems:an algorithmic approach (2nd ed.).Chapman & Hall/CRC.
F. Theory of Computation Filmus Y.; Pitassi T.; Santhanam R.Exponential lower bounds for AC0-Frege imply superpolynomial Frege lower bounds. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory7,2(May 2015),Article No. 5.
Frühwirth T.A devil’s advocate against termination of direct recursion. In Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming(PPDP 2015),ACM,2015,103-113.
Gallier J.Logic for computer science:foundations of automatic theorem proving (2nd ed.).Dover Publications, Inc.
Lee J.; Raghavendra P.; Steurer D.Lower bounds on the size of semidefinite programming relaxations. In Proceedings of the 47th Annual ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing(STOC 2015),ACM,2015,567-576.
Lin B.The parameterized complexity of k-biclique. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms(SODA 2015),SIAM,2015,605-615.
Regev O.; Vidick T.Quantum XOR games. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory7,4(August 2015),Article No. 15.
Rossman B.; Servedio R.; Tan L.An average-case depth hierarchy theorem for Boolean circuits. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 56th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science(FOCS 2015),IEEE Computer Society,2015,1030-1048.
G. Mathematics of Computing Barrett J.; Garcke H.; Nürnberg R.A stable parametric finite element discretization of two-phase Navier-Stokes flow. Journal of Scientific Computing63,1(April 2015),78-117.
Benjamin A.; Chartrand G.; Zhang P.The fascinating world of graph theory.Princeton University Press.
Chan M.; Yu D.; Yau K.Multilevel cumulative logistic regression model with random effects. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis88(August 2015),173-186.
Healey G. Modeling the probability of a strikeout for a batter/pitcher matchup. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 27, 9 (March 2015), 2415-2423.
Kido K.Digital Fourier analysis:advanced techniques.Springer International Publishing.
Lipton R.; Regan K.Quantum algorithms via linear algebra:a primer.The MIT Press.
Panchekha P.; Sanchez-Stern A.; Wilcox J.; Tatlock Z.Automatically improving accuracy for floating point expressions. In Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation(PLDI 2015),ACM,2015,1-11.
Vince J.Foundation mathematics for computer science:a visual approach.Springer International Publishing.
H. Information Systems Ameloot T.; Geck G.; Ketsman B.; Neven F.; Schwentick T.Parallel-correctness and transferability for conjunctive queries. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM Symposium on the Principles of Database Systems(PODS 2015),ACM,2015,47-58.
Assunção M.; Calheiros R.; Bianchi S.; Netto M.; Buyya R.Big data computing and clouds. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing79(May 2015),3-15.
Esteves A.; Velloso E.; Bulling A.; Gellersen H.Orbits:gaze interaction for smart watches using smooth pursuit eye movements. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology(UIST 2015),ACM,2015,457-466.
Chierichetti F.; Epasto A.; Kumar R.; Lattanzi S.; Mirrokni V.Efficient algorithms for public-private social networks. In Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD 2015),ACM,2015,139-148.
Fanti G.; Kairouz P.; Oh S.; Viswanath P.Spy vs. spy:rumor source obfuscation. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems(SIGMETRICS 2015),ACM,2015,271-284.
Gan J.; Tao Y.DBSCAN revisited:mis-claim, un-fixability, and approximation. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD 2015),ACM,2015,519-530.
Kulkarni S.; Bhagat N.; Fu M.; Kedigehalli V.; Kellogg C.; Mittal S.; Patel J.; Ramasamy K.; Taneja S.Twitter Heron:stream processing at scale. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD 2015),ACM,2015,239-250.
Li F.; Bonifati A.Constructing an interactive natural language interface for relational databases. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment8,1(September 2014),73-84.
H. Information Systems (Cont'd.) Lopes P.; Jonell P.; Baudisch P.Affordance++:Allowing Objects to Communicate Dynamic Use. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference(Human Factors in Computing Systems),ACM,2015,2515-2524.
Lucchese C.; Nardini F.; Orlando S.; Perego R.; Tonellotto N.; Venturini R.QuickScorer:a fast algorithm to rank documents with additive ensembles of regression trees. In Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR 2015),ACM,2015,73-82.
Shi J.; Qiu Y.; Minhas U.; Jiao L.; Wang C.; Reinwald B.; Özcan F.Clash of the titans:MapReduce vs. Spark for large scale data analytics. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment8,13(September 2015),2110-2121.
Singer P.; Helic D.; Hotho A.; Strohmaier M.HypTrails:a Bayesian approach for comparing hypotheses about human trails on the web. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on the World Wide Web(WWW 2015),IW3C2,2015,1003-1013.
Tedre M.The science of computing:shaping a discipline.Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Vaishnavi V.; Kuechler W.Design science research methods and patterns:innovating information and communication technology (2nd ed.).CRC Press, Inc.
Wilson C.; Hargreaves T.; Hauxwell-Baldwin R.Smart homes and their users:a systematic analysis and key challenges. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing19,2(February 2015),463-476.
I. Computing Methodologies Beygelzimer A.; Kale S.; Luo H. Optimal and adaptive algorithms for online boosting. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2015), JMLR, 2015, 2323-2331.
Brockman J. What to think about machines that think: today's leading thinkers on the age of machine intelligence. Harper Perennial, 2015.
Cohen-Or D. (Ed.); Greif C.; Ju T.; Mitra N.; Shamir A.; Sorkine-Hornung O.; Zhang H.A sampler of useful computational tools for applied geometry, computer graphics, and image processing.CRC Press, Inc.
Davidson-Pilon C.Bayesian methods for hackers:probabilistic programming and Bayesian inference.Addison-Wesley Professional.
Davis E.; Marcus G.Commonsense reasoning and commonsense knowledge in artificial intelligence. Communications of the ACM58,9(September 2015),92-103.
Epstein L.; Levin A.; Woeginger G.The (weighted) metric dimension of graphs:hard and easy cases. Algorithmica72,4(August 2015),1130-1171.
Friesen A.; Domingos P.Recursive decomposition for nonconvex optimization. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI-15),AAAI Press,2015,253-259.
Graham Y. Improving evaluation of machine translation quality estimation. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2015), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015, 1804-1813.
Hedge C.; Indyk P.; Schmidt L. A nearly-linear time framework for graph-structured sparsity. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2015), JMLR, 2015, 928-937.
Kandasamy K.; Schneider J.; Póczos B.Bayesian active learning for posterior estimation. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence(IJCAI-15),AAAI Press,2015,3605-3611.
Kontschieder P.; Fiterau M.; Criminisi A.; Rota Bulo S. Deep neural decision forests. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2015), IEEE, 2015, 1467-1475.
Li B.; Lu Y.; Li C.; Godil A.; Schreck T.; Aono M.; Burtscher M.; Chen Q.; Chowdhury N.; Fang B.; Fu H.; Furuya T.; Li H.; Liu J.; Johan H.; Kosaka R.; Koyanagi H.; Ohbuchi R.; Tatsuma A.; Wan Y.; Zhang C.; Zou C.A comparison of 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large-scale benchmark supporting multimodal queries. Computer Vision and Image Understanding131(February 2015),1-27.
Meruelo A. C.; Simpson D. M.; Veres S. M.; Newland P. L. Improved system identification using artificial neural networks and analysis of individual differences in responses of an identified neuron. Neural Networks 175 (March 2016), 56-65.
Newcombe R. A.; Fox D.; Seitz S. M. DynamicFusion: reconstruction and tracking of non-rigid scenes in real-time. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2015), IEEE, 2015, 343-352.
Pommerening F.; Helmert M.; Röger G.; Seipp J.From non-negative to general operator cost partitioning. In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI 2015),AAAI Press,2015,3335-3341.
Royakkers L.; van Est R.Just ordinary robots:automation from love to war.CRC Press, Inc.
Schmidhuber J. Deep learning in neural networks: an overview. Neural Networks 61 (Jan. 2015), 85-117.
Singh P.; Sarkar R.; Nasipuri M.Offline script identification from multilingual Indic-script documents. Computer Science Review15(February 2015),1-28.
Song D.; Ek C. H.; Huebner K.; Kragic D. Task-based robot grasp planning using probabilistic inference. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 31, 3 (Apr 2015), 546-561.
Strubell E.; Vilnis L.; Silverstein K.; McCallum A. Learning dynamic feature selection for fast sequential prediction. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2015), Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015, 146-155.
Tymoshenko K.; Moschitti A.Assessing the impact of syntactic and semantic structures for answer passages reranking. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM 2015),ACM,2015,1451-1460.
Wilensky U.; Rand W.An introduction to agent-based modeling:modeling natural, social, and engineered complex systems with NetLogo.The MIT Press.
Xu L.; Mould D.Procedural tree modeling with guiding vectors. Computer Graphics Forum34,7(October 2015),47-56.
Zafeiriou S.; Zhang C.; Zhang Z.A survey on face detection in the wild. Computer Vision and Image Understanding138(September 2015),1-24.
J. Computer Applications Amin R.; Biswas G.A novel user authentication and key agreement protocol for accessing multi-medical server usable in TMIS. Journal of Medical Systems39,3(March 2015),1-17.
Ballard D.Brain computation as hierarchical abstraction.The MIT Press.
Gao W.; Zhang Y.; Ramanujan D.; Ramani K.; Chen Y.; Williams C.; Wang C.; Shin Y.; Zhang S.; Zavattieri P.The status, challenges, and future of additive manufacturing in engineering. Computer-Aided Design69(December 2015),65-89.
Nepomuceno J.; Troncoso A.; Nepomuceno-Chamorro I.; Aguilar-Ruiz J.Integrating biological knowledge based on functional annotations for biclustering of gene expression data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine119,3(May 2015),163-180.
Riazul Islam S. M.; Kwak D.; Humaun Kabir M.; Hossain M.; Kwak K.-S. The Internet of Things for health care: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Access 3 (June 2015), 678-708.
K. Computing Milieux Chee Y.Games-to-teach or games-to-learn:unlocking the power of digital game-based learning through performance.Springer International Publishing.
Corrigan-Gibbs H.; Gupta N.; Northcutt C.; Cutrell E.; Thies W.Deterring cheating in online environments. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction22,6(September 2015),Article No. 28.
Hodges A.Alan Turing:the enigma.Princeton University Press.
Li W.; Huhns M.; Tsai W.; Wu W.Crowdsourcing:cloud-based software development.Springer International Publishing.
Loukas G.Cyber-physical attacks:a growing invisible threat.Butterworth-Heinemann.
Mohammad R.; Thabtah F.; McCluskey L.Tutorial and critical analysis of phishing websites methods. Computer Science Review17(August 2015),1-24.
Padua S.The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage:the (mostly) true story of the first computer.Pantheon Books.
Pink S.; Horst H.; Postill J.; Hjorth L.; Lewis T.; Tacchi J. Digital ethnography. Sage Publications, 2015.
Rupp A.; Baldimtsi F.; Hinterwälder G.; Paar C.Cryptographic theory meets practice:efficient and privacy-preserving payments for public transport. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security17,3(March 2015),1-31.
Turkle S. Reclaiming conversation: the power of talk in a digital age. Penguin Press, 2015.
Zhai S.; Bederson B. B.; Russell D. M.; Klemmer S. (Guest Eds.) Special issue on online learning at scale. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 22 (April 2015).