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Productivity (D.2.9...)
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Reducing the effort of bug report triage: recommenders for development-oriented decisions
Anvik J., Murphy G. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 20(3): 1-35, 2011. Type: Article
Anvik and Murphy focus on bug reports, which are traditionally underutilized by developers, as a tool to increase quality and decrease risks in software development. The authors’ bug report analysis tool--a recommend...
Oct 24 2011
Impact of classes of development coordination tools on software development performance: a multinational empirical study
Tiwana A. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 17(2): 1-47, 2008. Type: Article
Regression modeling of data for 209 outsourced software development projects found that the influence of tools on project effectiveness and efficiency varied according to the degree of conceptual and process novelty present. Input vari...
Jul 8 2009
Struggles of new college graduates in their first software development job
Begel A., Simon B. Computer science education (Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland, OR, Mar 12-15, 2008) 226-230, 2008. Type: Proceedings
If you have ever wondered why new software graduates are so poorly prepared to work, then you must read this wonderful paper. It explains the challenges facing new college graduates and university curricula....
Apr 16 2008
Improving software testing by observing practice
Taipale O., Smolander K. International symposium on empirical software engineering (Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep 21-22, 2006) 262-271, 2006. Type: Proceedings
Taipale and Smolander report on an extensive qualitative study of software testing. They conducted 41 interviews with development and testing managers, testers, and system analysts. In total, 946 pages of transcribed interview data wer...
Jun 18 2007
Identifying High Performance ERP Projects
Stensrud E., Myrtveit I. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29(5): 398-416, 2003. Type: Article
Stensrud and Myrtveit present a critique of previous work on the evaluation of the productivity of software development projects, and advocate a technique called data envelope analysis (DEA). Their principal criticism of previous work ...
Jan 6 2004
Peopleware (2nd ed.): productive projects and teams
DeMarco T., Lister T., Dorset House Publ. Co, Inc., New York, NY, 1999. 264 pp. Type: Book (9780932633439)
The first edition of
published in 1987 [1], quickly became one of the classics of thesoftware development management literature. In it, the authors discussedthe sociological aspects of software development, concentrat...
Jul 1 1999
Successful software process improvement
Grady R., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997. Type: Book (9780136266235)
Software process improvements are changes to the software development process that make it more effective. Although one would expect Grady’s book to provide a comprehensive list of process improvements that one might use, it ...
Feb 1 1998
Introduction to the personal software process
Humphrey W., Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, 1997. Type: Book (9780201548099)
The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a framework for estimating and planning software development, tracking performance against these plans, and improving the quality of the resulting programs. This book introduces those parts of PSP...
Nov 1 1997
Productivity sand traps and tar pits
Walsh M., Dorset House Publ. Co., Inc., New York, NY, 1991. Type: Book (9780932633217)
Mike Walsh has spent more than 30 years in the information systems business. By all measures, he has been a success: he has important management responsibilities, high income, publications, teaching accomplishments, and consultant stat...
Jun 1 1992
Programming productivity
Jones C., MCGRAW-HILL, INC., New York, NY, 1986. 280 pp. Type: Book (9780070328112)
Capers Jones has been one of the most provocative students of programming productivity, and in this book he summarizes the conclusions reached during his 15 years of studying and measuring software development. He first critiques the c...
Oct 1 1986
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