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  Browse All Reviews > Computer Systems Organization (C) > Special-Purpose And Application-Based Systems (C.3) > Real-Time And Embedded Systems (C.3...)  
  1-10 of 134 Reviews about "Real-Time And Embedded Systems (C.3...)": Date Reviewed
   Resource characterisation of personal-scale sensing models on edge accelerators
Antonini M., Vu T., Min C., Montanari A., Mathur A., Kawsar F.  AIChallengeIoT 2019 (Proceedings of the First International Workshop onChallenges in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Internet of Things, New York, NY, Nov 10-13, 2019) 49-55, 2019.  Type: Proceedings

Edge computing is going through an exciting phase where several chip vendors are looking to infiltrate the ecosystem with accelerators. As compute requirements at the edge increase, choosing the right compute architecture coupled with a suitable a...

Aug 18 2021
  Embedded software for the IoT (3rd ed.)
Elk K., DE GRUYTER, Boston, MA, 2019. 294 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-547417-15-5)

An in-depth study of embedded software for the Internet of Things (IoT), this book explains various topics, from selecting an operating system (OS) to code maintenance. Due to the resource-constrained nature of IoT, it is always a chal...

Nov 30 2020
  Scratchpad-memory management for multi-threaded applications on many-core architectures
Venkataramani V., Chan M., Mitra T. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 18(1): 1-28, 2019.  Type: Article

This paper focuses on improving many-core architectures via software programmable or scratchpad memory (SPM):...

Oct 7 2020
  Embedded computing for high performance: efficient mapping of computations using customization, code transformations and compilation
Cardoso J., Coutinho J., Diniz P., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 2017. 320 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-128041-89-5), Reviews: (2 of 2)

The book provides theoretical and hands-on knowledge for embedded high-performance computing. Advancements in the hardware and architecture technology have necessitated the need to study embedded parallel systems. Systems such as field...

Jun 26 2018
  Fog computing in the Internet of Things: intelligence at the edge
Rahmani A., Liljeberg P., Preden J., Jantsch A., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2017. 172 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-319576-38-1)

The book is central to the understanding and advanced study of fog computing. It follows an effective model, based on eight scientific papers of a very high level, and is suitable for readers who want an introduction to the area, accor...

May 10 2018
  Multi-disciplinary engineering for cyber-physical production systems: data models and software solutions for handling complex engineering projects
Biffl S., Lüder A., Gerhard D., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2017. 472 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-319563-44-2)

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engines managed and monitored by computer algorithms in tight relation with information and communication technologies. Among the related topics and technologies are the Internet of Things, industrial I...

May 4 2018
  Embedded computing for high performance: efficient mapping of computations using customization, code transformations and compilation
Cardoso J., Coutinho J., Diniz P., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 2017. 320 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-128041-89-5), Reviews: (1 of 2)

Robotic collaborative environments, distributed artificial perception, and intelligent sensor networks are some of the new areas that embody embedded digital intelligence. The development and implementation of efficient embedded system...

Mar 16 2018
  Embedded system design: embedded systems, foundations of cyber-physical systems, and the Internet of Things (3rd ed.)
Marwedel P., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2017. 423 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-319560-43-4)

This is a difficult book to approach. It is either an encyclopedia, a tour de force, or an ultra-graduate-level textbook. On page 17, the author lists 12 detailed prerequisites and 22 recommended additional follow-up courses. I cannot ...

Mar 8 2018
  Introduction to embedded systems: a cyber-physical systems approach (2nd ed.)
Lee E., Seshia S., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2017. 568 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-262533-81-2)

The design of embedded computing systems has become more important as wireless systems, smart appliances, automotive systems, and many other cyber-physical systems are built upon an embedded system. This book introduces many concepts r...

Mar 1 2018
  From Internet of Things to smart cities: enabling technologies
Sun H., Wang C., Ahmad B., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2018. 430 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-498773-78-2)

The proliferation of electronic smart devices, and the ability to gather the data they generate in conjunction with prompt processing and feedback, is already having great consequences in our daily lives. Applications in environmental ...

Feb 21 2018
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