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1-10 of 72 Reviews about "
Software Process Models (D.2.9...)
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Ensuring the semantic correctness of a BAUML artifact-centric BPM
Estañol M., Sancho M., Teniente E. Information and Software Technology 93(C): 147-162, 2018. Type: Article
The paper presents research on artifact-centric business process modeling (BPM). The artifact-centric modeling of information systems and web information systems has a history more than a decade long [1]. During the development of the ...
Sep 6 2019
Identifying software process management challenges: survey of practitioners in a large global IT company
Gupta M., Sureka A., Padmanabhuni S., Asadullah A. MSR 2015 (Proceedings of the 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Florence, Italy, May 16-24, 2015) 346-356, 2015. Type: Proceedings
Drill down into this research paper and you will find an interesting table of 27 problems that might be present in a well-organized software development company. Here are the top concerns: bottlenecks, estimation, late detection of def...
Oct 27 2015
Enhancing a model-based engineering approach for distributed manufacturing automation systems with characteristics and design patterns
Fay A., Vogel-Heuser B., Frank T., Eckert K., Hadlich T., Diedrich C. Journal of Systems and Software 101(C): 221-235, 2015. Type: Article
Modern manufacturing automation systems are complex engineering products that fulfill functions such as material handling, distribution, and processing. For this reason, their design is mostly the result of engineering professionals. O...
Jul 7 2015
CRISTAL: a practical study in designing systems to cope with change
Branson A., McClatchey R., Le Goff J., Shamdasani J. Information Systems 42139-152, 2014. Type: Article
In classical software development, the transformation of design specifications into executable software requires a lot of effort and time and is not as agile as users typically want. This excellent paper builds on well-known principles...
Jul 16 2014
Understanding the characteristics of quality for software engineering processes: a grounded theory investigation
Kroeger T., Davidson N., Cook S. Information and Software Technology 56(2): 252-271, 2014. Type: Article
A software engineering process is a process that controls all software project activities, producing requirements, specifications, implementation, and other services. The quality of a software project is influenced by the quality of a ...
Jun 13 2014
A BPM software evaluation method
Li C., Cui H., Ma G., Wang Z. ISDEA 2012 (Proceedings of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application,Jan 6-7, 2012) 1-4, 2012. Type: Proceedings
Most probably, the only new content even a careful reader will be able to extract from this work is a list of 25 nonoperationalized, undiscussed, high-level criteria in six categories, superficially aligned for assessing the trust of a...
Sep 19 2012
Automatic execution of business process models: exploiting the benefits of model-driven engineering approaches
Fabra J., De Castro V., Álvarez P., Marcos E. Journal of Systems and Software 85(3): 607-625, 2012. Type: Article
This frontal attack on the holy grail of model-driven design and business process management in one sweep definitely raised my interest. The authors explicitly claim that they have solved the problem of automatically generating executa...
Jul 31 2012
Scrum + engineering practices: experiences of three Microsoft teams
Williams L., Brown G., Meltzer A., Nagappan N. ESEM 2011 (Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Banff, AB, Canada, Sep 22-23, 2011) 463-471, 2011. Type: Proceedings
Scrum is a methodology for iterative and incremental software development. Engineering practices, however, must also be adopted to help ensure the delivery of quality software. This paper relates the experiences of three teams at Micro...
Jun 12 2012
MIS-PyME software measurement capability maturity model - Supporting the definition of software measurement programs and capability determination
Díaz-Ley M., García F., Piattini M. Advances in Engineering Software 41(10-11): 1223-1237, 2010. Type: Article
Measurement has remained a critical issue that affects the entire information technology sector. Measurement in software engineering, in particular, has gained much importance, despite the claim that the software industry has matured o...
Nov 17 2011
Toward objective software process information: experiences from a case study
Samalikova J., Kusters R., Trienekens J., Weijters T., Siemons P. Software Quality Journal 19(1): 101-120, 2011. Type: Article
Samalikova et al. have provided a model that software development teams and organizations can use to extract actual processes; compare them to official, documented processes; and identify gaps that they can then feed back into the syst...
Aug 8 2011
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