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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Milieux (K) > Legal Aspects Of Computing (K.5) > Governmental Issues (K.5.2) > Regulation (K.5.2...)  
  1-10 of 15 Reviews about "Regulation (K.5.2...)": Date Reviewed
  Robot rules: regulating artificial intelligence
Turner J., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2019. 400 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-319962-34-4)

The fast pace of growth in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, like deep learning, has transformed many applications. One of the major beneficiaries is the field of robotics. Advanced robots can be seen as embodiments of AI, and h...

Jan 8 2020
  Under control: governance across the enterprise
Lamm J., Blount S., Boston S., Camm M., Cirabisi R., Cooper N., Datskovsky G., Fox C., Handal K., McCracken W., Meyer J., Scheil H., Srulowitz A., Zanella R., Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2009. 250 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-430215-92-9)

The long-term trend in the last century has been toward increased corporate accountability. The demand for more regulations, monitoring, and enforcement mechanisms has greatly increased since the economic crisis of 2008 and the accompa...

Jul 8 2010
  Legal programming: designing legally compliant RFID and software agent architectures for retail processes and beyond (Integrated Series in Information Systems)
Subirana B., Bain M., Springer-Verlag Telos, New York, NY, 2004. 316 pp.  Type: Book (9780387234144)

The authors examine technologies that support business processes, and the interaction of these technologies with systems of law. The text starts with a discussion of Internet technologies and then moves to a discussion of agent technol...

Nov 14 2005
  Legally speaking: the Economic Espionage Act: touring the minefields
Grosso A. Communications of the ACM 43(8): 15-18, 2000.  Type: Article

The Economic Espionage Act (EEA) was signed into law by President Clinton in October 1996. It was enacted to provide strong legal protections, at a federal level, to owners of trade secrets. Of particular concern was the perception tha...

Aug 1 2001
  Universal service and the telecommunications act: myth made law
Mueller M. Communications of the ACM 40(3): 39-47, 1997.  Type: Article

Mueller describes the historical spread of telephone service in the United States to argue that universal telephone service was never a stated goal until the Telecommunications Act of 1996. From there, he further asserts that an unregu...

Feb 1 1998
  The role of the government in standardization
Johnson J., Culp J., Poole C., Theibert M., Vidmar R. StandardView 1(2): 17-24, 1993.  Type: Article

From the title of the paper and the positions of the authors, I expected a paper that described how state governments play a unique role in determining and enforcing standards for computer-based systems. The summary blurb also implies ...

May 1 1995
  The role of government in standards
Wiederhold G. StandardView 1(2): 11-16, 1993.  Type: Article

In this important and useful paper, Wiederhold points out the inherent dilemma in the setting of standards: on the one hand, standards can retard technical progress by locking in the use of suboptimal technology; on the other hand, sta...

Feb 1 1995
  Information policies
Rowlands I., Vogel S., Taylor Graham Publishing, London, UK, 1991.  Type: Book (9780947568450)

Cultural lag--the tendency of nonmaterial culture to develop more slowly than associated material culture--is wonderfully exemplified by the frantic scramble of contemporary policymakers to catch up with the explosion...

Apr 1 1992
  Developing software to government standards
Roetzheim W., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1991.  Type: Book (9780138297558)

According to the preface, “This text provides both an easy to understand introduction to Government standards and a valuable reference to be used during actual work on Government contracts.” The author has done an e...

Jul 1 1991
  Computer hardware
Fleer C. (ed), McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1990.  Type: Book (9789780070212268)

The average reader encountering a book entitled “Computer hardware” would expect a discussion of this topic. This volume does not even come close. A better title would be Analyses of, and recommendations for, US ...

Jun 1 1991
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