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  Browse All Reviews > Computing Methodologies (I) > Simulation And Modeling (I.6) > General (I.6.0)  
  1-10 of 57 Reviews about "General (I.6.0)": Date Reviewed
  Theory of modeling and simulation: discrete event & iterative system computational foundations (3rd ed.)
Zeigler B., Muzy A., Kofman E., Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 2019. 692 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-128133-70-5)

By the authors’ reckoning, modeling needs an established body of knowledge, usable by all specialists in the discipline....

Dec 5 2019
  A survey of communication performance models for high-performance computing
Rico-Gallego J., Díaz-Martín J., Manumachu R., Lastovetsky A. ACM Computing Surveys 51(6): 1-36, 2019.  Type: Article

Cluster computing is a major trend in scientific high-performance computing (HPC), and the recent evolution of cluster computing requires a revision to the models and methods for evaluating operational performance. The paper’...

Apr 16 2019
  Introduction to modeling and simulation with MATLAB and Python
Gordon S., Guilfoos B., Chapman&Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2017. 210 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-498773-87-4)

This is a very unusual book. It is concise and well written on the one hand, with bewildering content on the other. If one steps back far enough, the book could be described as a tutorial on writing programs for modeling and simulation...

Oct 18 2018
  Fundamentals of complex networks: models, structures and dynamics
Chen G., Wang X., Li X., Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2015. 392 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-118718-11-7), Reviews: (3 of 3)

The term “network,” widely used in many diverse areas ranging from computer science to biology, refers to the interconnection of various entities to facilitate information exchange. The adjective “complex&...

Aug 9 2016
  Fundamentals of complex networks: models, structures and dynamics
Chen G., Wang X., Li X., Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2015. 392 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-118718-11-7), Reviews: (2 of 3)

This textbook covers the area of complex networks; as such, it is long overdue. Complex networks (and complex adaptive systems, two terms that are very close) are one of the most fundamental and significant areas of research in 21st ce...

Nov 25 2015
  Fundamentals of complex networks: models, structures and dynamics
Chen G., Wang X., Li X., Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2015. 392 pp.  Type: Book (978-1-118718-11-7), Reviews: (1 of 3)

This book provides valuable insight into the world of complex networks. It takes only a couple of minutes for someone to identify a variety of real-world networks and the associated problems, in order to grasp the significance of such ...

Oct 9 2015
  Introduction to computational science: modeling and simulation for the sciences (2nd ed.)
Shiflet A., Shiflet G., Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2014. 856 pp.  Type: Book (978-0-691160-71-9)

This book’s table of contents has, perhaps through style, organization, and its own expressiveness, a motivational quality that prevails over its conceivably intimidating display of the book’s very wide scope. In th...

Jul 24 2014
  Extending document models to incorporate semantic information for complex standards
Clowes D., Dawson R., Probets S. Computer Standards & Interfaces 36(1): 97-109, 2013.  Type: Article

Important documents, especially standards documents describing (software) requirements for critical industries, really ought to be precise. Unfortunately, most of these documents are written in English prose, which is woefully imprecis...

Mar 17 2014
  Characterizing multi-event disaster resilience
Zobel C., Khansa L. Computers and Operations Research 4283-94, 2014.  Type: Article

Earlier work by the first author of this paper focused on predicting resilience in single-event disasters. Building on that earlier work, this paper considers the resilience of systems in the context of disasters involving multiple ove...

Dec 12 2013
  Simulating social complexity: a handbook
Edmonds B., Meyer R., Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, New York, NY, 2013. 761 pp.  Type: Book (978-3-540938-12-5)

This collectively authored handbook of over 750 pages focuses on why the chosen computational methodology relies on the joint use of computational modeling and simulation of society, as opposed to experimental or natural language appro...

Dec 10 2013
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