Browse All Reviews > Information Systems (H) > Information Storage And Retrieval (H.3) > Information Storage (H.3.2) > File Organization (H.3.2...)
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Reviews about "File Organization (H.3.2...)":
Date Reviewed |
Hyperion: high volume stream archival for retrospective querying Desnoyers P., Shenoy P. Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (2007 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Santa Clara, CA, Jun 17-22, 2007) 1-14, 2007. Type: Proceedings
Data archiving systems for applications involving retrospective querying, particularly the ones related to anomaly detection and network security, are an interesting and challenging problem. At one end of the spectrum, there are real-t...
Jun 19 2008 |
Data storage and extraction in engineering software using XML Williams M., Consolazio G., Hoit M. Advances in Engineering Software 36(11-12): 709-719, 2005. Type: Article
For most engineering tasks, one cannot rely on a single application. Many are required, including design tools and numerical simulation/optimization packages. It is a common practice to use and adapt data conversion filters to exchange...
May 25 2006 |
Optimal disk allocation for partial match queries Abdel-Ghaffar K., El Abbadi A. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 18(1): 132-156, 1993. Type: Article
The question of optimal disk allocation for Cartesian product files is considered. Coding theory is used to analyze disk allocation methods and their optimality under certain conditions. The approach is strictly mathematical, and reali...
Nov 1 1994 |
A storage and access manager for ill-structured data Kottemann J., Gordon M., Stott J. Communications of the ACM 34(8): 94-103, 1991. Type: Article
An interesting data management system called James is based on token (variable-length character string) definition, association of such tokens with potentially large data objects (which may be text, graphic data, and so on), and a kind...
Feb 1 1992 |
A unifying approach to evaluating block accesses in database organizations Ciaccia P., Maio D., Tiberio P. Information Processing Letters 28(5): 253-257, 1988. Type: Article
Let n records of a file be randomly distributed among m blocks of equal size (1 ≤9Tm ≤9Tn). The authors show that if k of these n records are selected randomly, then the discrete ...
Jun 1 1989 |
Implementing ranking strategies using text signatures Croft W. (ed), Savino P. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 6(1): 42-62, 1988. Type: Article
The dramatic growth of office information systems in recent years has given a tremendous boost to research in information retrieval. This paper addresses the important issue of providing efficient and effective methods for the storage ...
May 1 1989 |
Computer architecture for a surrogate file to a very large data/knowledge base Berra P., Chung S., Hachem N. Computer 20(3): 25-32, 1987. Type: Article
The paper presents techniques for managing the storage level of a very large data/knowledge base. Because evaluation of goals can require accessing data from the extensional database (EDB) in very general ways, one must often resort to...
Feb 1 1989 |
Dynamic file structure for partial match retrieval based on overflow bucket sharing Yuen T., Du D. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-12(9): 801-810, 1986. Type: Article
In this well-written paper, a generalization of extendible hashing is suggested to handle partial match retrieval efficiently. Contrary to the original scheme, overflow pages are introduced and shared by primary data pages from a group...
Jul 1 1987 |
A comparison of a network structure and a database system used for document retrieval Croft W. (ed), Parenty T. Information Systems 10(4): 377-390, 1985. Type: Article
In this paper, the authors again address the age-old problem of how a DBMS built for fact retrieval might be able to support a document retrieval system. The novel part of this presentation is the approach used. Instead of taking an es...
Jun 1 1987 |
The spatial metaphor for user interfaces: experimental tests of reference by location versus name Jones W. (ed), Dumais S. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 4(1): 42-63, 1986. Type: Article
I found this paper to be thorough, educational, and informative. The authors have conducted several experiments to assess the role of spatial information on the system and man-machine interfaces design. The methodology presented is cle...
Sep 1 1986 |