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Lambda Calculus And Related Systems (F.4.1...)
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Lambda calculus with types
Barendregt H., Dekkers W., Statman R., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2013. 854 pp. Type: Book (978-0-521766-14-2)
A popular program on BBC Radio here in the UK is
Desert Island Discs
, where well-known personalities talk about their lives while choosing eight music tracks they consider significant. They also are asked to decide which book th...
Dec 11 2013
Topological and simplicial models of identity types
van den Berg B., Garner R. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 13(1): 1-44, 2012. Type: Article
There are times when some new theory comes along that just seems “right,” regardless of whether one can immediately see applications. The link between homotopy theory and identity types in Martin-Löf type t...
May 23 2012
Weyl’s predicative classical mathematics as a logic-enriched type theory
Adams R., Luo Z. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 11(2): 1-29, 2010. Type: Article
Given proof-assistant builders’ renewed interest in foundational issues, revisiting Hermann Weyl’s classic text [1] is a worthy endeavor. Unfortunately, this paper greatly disappoints....
May 28 2010
Pattern calculus: computing with functions and structures
Jay B., Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, New York, NY, 2009. 213 pp. Type: Book (978-3-540891-84-0)
Programmers who are lucky enough to use a programming language that features properly integrated pattern matching greatly value the expressivity gain. But, as Jay shows us in this book, we have barely started to properly explore the de...
Jan 26 2010
Lambda-calculus and combinators: an introduction
Hindley J., Seldin J., Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 2008. 360 pp. Type: Book (9780521898850)
All of us are, in the course of lifelong learning, invariably dropped into the middle of an infinite ocean, where any point is the center. So, it may be quite unproductive for someone such as myself, a working stiff with a day job, to ...
Mar 6 2009
A compositional Petri net translation of general &pgr;-calculus terms
Devillers R., Klaudel H., Koutny M. Formal Aspects of Computing 20(4-5): 429-450, 2008. Type: Article
Petri nets, called rp-nets, that are high-level nets with read arcs, are utilized in this paper. It develops a mechanism to translate &pgr; calculus (process calculus) terms to rp-nets. This mechanism is expected to facilitate util...
Mar 5 2009
A &rgr;-calculus of explicit constraint application
Cirstea H., Faure G., Kirchner C. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 20(1-2): 37-72, 2007. Type: Article
Computability became a subject of intensive research between 1930 and 1940, and led to various mathematical models, developed more or less independently, that capture in a nutshell the essence of performing computations mechanically. T...
Jan 25 2008
CPS transformation of beta-redexes
Danvy O., Nielsen L. Information Processing Letters 94(5): 217-224, 2005. Type: Article
A continuous passing style (CPS) is a lambda encoding of lambda terms. CPS transformations are used to generate compilers. This paper presents a CPS transformation that is relatively more compact than others....
Feb 7 2006
Abstract computing machines
Kluge W., Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, 2004. 400 pp. Type: Book (9783540211464)
This very welcome text addresses computer organization and architecture from a strictly conceptual point of view. The constructions are carefully presented, and the small example programs are fairly easy to follow. The author is primar...
Dec 28 2005
Secrecy and group creation
Cardelli L., Ghelli G., Gordon A. Information and Computation 196(2): 127-155, 2005. Type: Article
Type systems for the pi-calculus have gained interest over the last few years as a framework for the analysis of security protocols. In this paper, the authors develop an extended, typed pi-calculus based on the notion of a group. Unde...
Aug 2 2005
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