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Bergel, Alexandre
University of Chile
Santiago, Chile
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Alexandre Bergel is an assistant professor at the University of Chile. He obtained his PhD in 2005 from the University of Berne, Switzerland. After obtaining his PhD, he completed postdoctoral research at Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland) and at the Hasso-Plattner Institute (Germany).

Bergel and his collaborators carry out research in software engineering and software quality. He formalizes anomalies and deficiencies in program execution. An effective way to localize suboptimal execution is to visually represent an execution profile. A software engineer can then use his cognitive skills to immediately identify execution bottlenecks and deficiencies. Many interactive options allow a software engineer to drill down from a visual representation of an actual defect in the software source code. Bergel has carried out numerous case studies to catalog these anomaly patterns and identify appropriate actions to remove them.

He has authored over 60 articles, published in international and peer-reviewed scientific forums, including the most competitive conferences and journals in the software engineering field (for example, OOPSLA, ECOOP, TSE and SPE). He regularly serves as a program committee member for conferences and workshops and as a reviewer for highly ranked journals. His PhD work won the Ernst-Denert Software Engineering Award in 2006.

Bergel is also an experienced software engineer. He is the author or co-author of over 10 software programs, several of which are being used in prominent Chilean and international corporations.

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