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Perry, James
La Roche College
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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J. M. Perry’s work is an integration of mathematics, computer science, and software engineering. He received his mathematics education at Holy Cross College, Indiana University, University of Wisconsin, and University of Chicago; his computer science and software engineering education at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the University of Connecticut; and his industry experience in software and systems engineering, and project management, at GTE Government Systems, Integrated System Diagnostics, AT&T, United Defense, and BAE Systems.

He has served as the GTE and United Defense representative to the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, transitioning technology to industry. In addition, he served as an associate professor of computer science at WPI; the chair of computing sciences and mathematics at Franklin University; and an adjunct faculty member at Boston University Metropolitan College, Duquesne University, University of Maryland University College, and La Roche College. He has advised many student theses and projects in diverse fields--from medical research, to environmental projects, to automated text recognition.

His service to the community includes roles as president of the Worcester County Regional Environmental Council, member of the Worcester City Advisory Board for the Disabled, and member of the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind. In addition, he has organized or participated in numerous conferences on software technologies and on disability and environmental awareness, served as chairperson of the Worcester Chapter of the ACM, and has been an executive member of the Worcester Section IEEE.

Currently, Perry is an adjunct professor of computer science at La Roche College, a reviewer for Computing Reviews, consulting faculty to the Constitution Foundation Free Education Initiative (, vice president of projects for bittyblurb, llc, and software process engineer/subject matter expert at AASKI Technologies. A recurring principle of his work is the application of mathematics and computing to enable systems that contribute to the improvement of society.

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