| Boumediene Belkhouche holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and a Professional Software Engineering Master Certification from the IEEE Computer Society. He is interested in various dimensions of software development, including how to formalize, automate, and optimize man-machine interactions through the design, definition, and implementation of models and processors. Boumediene’s research covers informal requirements analysis, specification models, object-oriented design models, and prototyping systems, as well as specification issues associated with hybrid systems in the context of mobile robots. More specifically, his research addresses the design, formal specification, and implementation of autonomous robot systems, for example, one project looks at target tracking and interception, and another investigates the modeling and deployment of a passenger pickup and delivery system. Boumediene has recently taken up a new interest, too: the integration of video games and learning. So far, he has developed frameworks and video game prototypes that bring cultural heritage, virtual storytelling, and linguistic skills acquisition to life. Boumediene has taught computer science and software engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate level. He has supervised several master’s and PhD students. His academic experience includes faculty member, associate dean for academic affairs, associate dean for research and graduate studies, and dean. Thus, at one time or another, he has been involved in all facets of academic life, including curriculum and program development, accreditation, faculty affairs, and management. Boumediene’s hobbies include running, bicycling, and exploring nature. However, his favorite pastime is reading technical and nontechnical material in English, French, or Arabic. Boumediene Belkhouche has been a reviewer for Computing Reviews since 1985. |
Date Reviewed |
1 - 10 of 26
Data-driven prototyping via natural-language-based GUI retrieval Kolthoff K., Bartelt C., Ponzetto S. Automated Software Engineering 30(1): 2023. Type: Article Reading this paper would leave anyone conflicted. It describes a good contribution ridden with flaws. It is puzzling that the referees and journal editors accepted the paper in its current form. The presentation style is verbose, and some of the l...
Mar 7 2024 |
Pro TBB: C++ parallel programming with threading building blocks Voss M., Asenjo R., Reinders J., Apress, New York, NY, 2019. 754 pp. Type: Book (978-1-484243-97-8)
First, the good news: Pro TBB (threading building blocks, or TBB, now renamed oneTBB) is an invaluable book, written by three experts, on all facets of parallel programming that are available for free. Moreover, Intel’...
Jul 29 2021 |
Inquiry learning at scale: pedagogy-informed design of a platform for citizen inquiry Sharples M., Aristeidou M., Herodotou C., McLeod K., Scanlon E. L@S 2019 (Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, Chicago, IL, Jun 24-25, 2019) 1-4, 2019. Type: Proceedings
Just imagine a technology-enhanced learning platform that provides all the tools necessary for citizens to engage independently in cooperative learning activities driven by inquiry-based research strategies. Through this platform, a ci...
Oct 10 2019 |
Concise guide to formal methods: theory, fundamentals and industry applications O’Regan G., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2017. 312 pp. Type: Book (978-3-319640-20-4)
The title of the book, Concise guide to formal methods: theory, fundamentals and industry applications, seems promising by evoking formality, depth, breadth, and, above all, conciseness and guidance. A closer look reveals a shal...
Mar 26 2018 |
Serious games: foundations, concepts and practice Dörner R., Göbel S., Effelsberg W., Wiemeyer J., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2016. 421 pp. Type: Book (978-3-319406-11-4)
The book Serious games is a collection of overview chapters intended as a comprehensive introduction for a diverse set of stakeholders. Given the wide spectrum of stakeholder backgrounds, the editors chose to have themes elabora...
Jun 15 2017 |
A WESS-based method for anti-submarine simulation through planning waypoints of helicopter (WIP) Zhu Z., Zhu Y., Lei Y., Sarjoughian H. SCSC 2016 (Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, Jul 24-27, 2016) 1-5, 2016. Type: Proceedings
The intended idea of this short paper is to describe the weapon effectiveness simulation systems (WESS) application, which supports the simulation of joint anti-submarine systems (JAS). It is stated that JAS are complex and that the pr...
Dec 28 2016 |
Digital image processing: an algorithmic introduction using Java (2nd ed.) Burger W., Burge M., Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, 2016. 811 pp. Type: Book (978-1-447166-83-2)
This textbook is an excellent introduction to the fundamentals of digital image processing. It thoroughly blends basic theory and practical algorithms expressed in Java and ImageJ. It also provides a set of accessible exercises at the ...
Nov 9 2016 |
Computer games and software engineering Cooper K., Scacchi W., Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2015. 311 pp. Type: Book (978-1-482226-68-3)
Game studies have been integrated in academic curricula, be it in humanities, education, or computing. Being complex software systems, it is only befitting that the software engineering community addresses computer game development iss...
Dec 8 2015 |
A practical guide to SysML: the systems modeling language (3rd ed.) Friedenthal S., Moore A., Steiner R., Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, 2014. 630 pp. Type: Book (978-0-128002-02-5)
The primary goal of this book is to introduce model-based engineering through SysML, a graphical systems modeling language that is being promoted as an alternative to the unified modeling language (UML) to address systems engineering. ...
Oct 28 2015 |
A framework for scientific discovery through video games Cooper S., Association for Computing Machinery and Morgan & Claypool, New York, NY, 2014. 133 pp. Type: Book, Reviews: (2 of 2)
Just imagine biochemists concocting proteins as online puzzle games and casting them into a magic circle where, instead of jumping, chasing, and kicking, players wiggle, shake, pull, and push amino acids to construct the structure of a...
Feb 10 2015 |