Artz, John
George Washington University
Washington, Washington DC
| John M. Artz is an associate professor of information systems in the School of Business at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. He teaches technical courses in relational databases, data warehousing, web-based systems development, and various programming languages. He teaches philosophical courses in the ethics of technology and the philosophy of science as it applies to business research. Historically, his research interests were in the philosophical foundations of information systems; philosophical issues in relational database and data warehouse design; and the philosophy of science as it applies to information systems research. Artz has written nearly four dozen scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics including philosophical issues in database design, and the epistemological role of stories in the ethics of technology. In addition, he has published over 100 book and article reviews in ACM Computing Reviews. Artz has a wide variety of interests that focus, generally, on making sense out of emerging information technologies, such as virtual worlds, video games, and, most recently, big data, bringing both technical and philosophical expertise to bear on these new phenomena. Artz joined the faculty of the School of Business and Public Management in the Fall of 1992. He was promoted to associate professor in 1998. During his time at GWU, in addition to his teaching and research responsibilities, Artz has served on the Faculty Senate from 2005 to the present; as the program director of the Master of Science in Information Technology program from Fall 1999 to Fall 2003; as the webmaster for the School of Business and Public Management from Fall 1996 to Fall 2000; and on the Faculty Advisory Committee for the University Teaching Center from Fall 1993 to Fall 1996. In addition to these major commitments, Artz has participated in a wide variety of lesser service roles too numerous to mention. Prior to moving into academia, he spent nearly 20 years in the corporate world including The MITRE Corporation, Arbitron Ratings, Southwest Research Institute, General Electric Information Systems, American Management Systems, and Washington Gas Light Company. While serving in industry, Artz took on a variety of roles primarily related to database development and administration and software development. He has industry expertise in relational databases (serving several times as DBA), enterprise networks, expert systems, and graphical user interfaces. He holds a patent (#5,025,382 - Data link Controller Interface) on a direct manipulation user interface for air traffic controllers in a digital communications environment. In addition, he has done professional software development in nearly a dozen different programming languages including Fortran, COBOL, PL/1, Pascal, C, C++, Prolog, Lisp, and Visual Basic. |
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1 - 10 of 207
(Re)use of research results (is rampant) Baldassarre M., Ernst N., Hermann B., Menzies T., Yedida R. Communications of the ACM 66(2): 75-81, 2023. Type: Article The point of this article is that scholars often make research contributions that do not fit neatly into the category of peer-reviewed journal papers, and that impacts the advance of knowledge negatively. First, the products of research simply do ...
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Automation and autonomy: labour, capital and machines in the artificial intelligence industry Steinhoff J., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2021. 221 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030716-88-2), Reviews: (1 of 2)
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Ludics: play as humanistic inquiry Rapti V., Gordon E., Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2021. 495 pp. Type: Book (978-9-811574-34-4) This book is a collection of 20 essays on the philosophy and sociology of games and play. Lest this sound a little too arcane, I would point out that this is obviously relevant to the design of video games of all kinds. And it can help us understa...
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Identity, institutions, and governance in an AI world: transhuman relations Bloom P., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. 268 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030361-80-8)
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Apr 19 2021 |
Envisioning education in a post-work leisure-based society Matusov E., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, 2020. 218 pp. Type: Book (978-3-030463-72-4)
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T-minus AI: humanity’s countdown to artificial intelligence and the new pursuit of global power Kanaan M., Benbella Books, Dallas, TX, 2020. 284 pp. Type: Book (978-1-948836-94-4)
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Beginning security with Microsoft technologies: protecting Office 365, devices, and data Lakshmi V., Apress, New York, NY, 2019. 252 pp. Type: Book (978-1-484248-52-2)
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Apr 24 2020 |
Blockchains for business process management - challenges and opportunities Mendling J., Weber I., Aalst W., Brocke J., Cabanillas C., Daniel F., Debois S., Ciccio C., Dumas M., Dustdar S., Gal A., García-Bañuelos L., Governatori G., Hull R., Rosa M., Leopold H., Leymann F., Recker J., Reichert M., Reijers H., Rinderle-Ma S., Solti A., Rosemann M., Schulte S., Singh M., Slaats T., Staples M., Weber B., Weidlich M., Weske M., Xu X., Zhu L. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 9(1): 1-16, 2018. Type: Article
Blockchain is a technology that allows for the trusted exchange of digital currency. In its initial incarnation, it focused on the trusted exchange of Bitcoins. Its emerging applications will support the trusted execution of transactio...
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A people’s history of computing in the United States Rankin J., Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2018. 336 pp. Type: Book
From 1965 to 1975, if you were to ask someone in the field what was going on in computing, you would likely get one of two answers. People in business data processing would point to the dominance of IBM and its mainframe computers. Spe...
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All data are local: thinking critically in a data-driven society Loukissas Y., The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2019. 272 pp. Type: Book (978-0-262039-66-6)
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