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This is an application for those who are interested in becoming reviewers for Computing Reviews (CR). If you are currently a Reviewer for CR, there is no need to fill out this form.

Please fill out the following fields. An (*) denotes required field.

Personal Information
* First:
Middle Name or Initial:
* Last:
* User ID:
* Password:
* Password (confirm):
ACM Member #: (if applicable)
* How did you hear about CR:
If other, please specify:
* How would you like your name to appear when your reviews are published? (For example J. Doe or John Q. Doe) Please bear in mind that what you type here will appear both online and in our print journal when your reviews are published.
I can do one review every  month(s).
I want to receive a list of items to review 
List any constraints on availability:

Contact/Shipping Information
* Address (line 1):
Address (line 2):
Address (line 3):
* City/Town:
* State:
 Intl. Province/County  Help
* Country:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Work Phone:
Home Phone: 
* Email:

Institutional Information
* Company/Institution:
* City/Town:
* State:
 Intl. Province/County  Help
* Country:
* Zip/Postal Code:

* Degree: * Field: * Institution: * Year finished
(4 digit year):

Training/Professional Experience

An applicant's work experience and writing ability are very important to us. We are looking for reviewers who can demonstrate work experience in their areas of interest, and who can provide proof of their writing ability via a writing sample.

* Work Experience:

* Writing Sample:

Please provide a writing sample. This is required in order to process your application. It should consist of an original short review of something technical you've read recently, written by you alone. It should be two paragraphs in length, with one describing the technical contribution and the other comparing it to related works. NOTE: CR publishes critical reviews of already-published items in computer science. Therefore, your writing sample should be aimed at an audience of peers, rather than at editors.

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