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Ernest L Hughes
HughesGlobal, LLC
Issaquah, Washington

Ernest L. Hughes (“Ernie” or “Lincoln”) is a senior transformation consultant, and trainer with HughesGlobal, LLC, and the chief innovation officer of HughesGlobal Network, his consulting and education network focused on helping individuals, teams, organizations, and value chains realize their potential and flourish through organization and leadership development, innovation and change management, and supply chain management utilizing systems approaches. He is also an associate professor of transportation and logistics with American Public University, and a part-time lecturer with the School of Business of the University of Washington Bothell.

Prior to launching his consulting and education practice network, Hughes enjoyed broad leadership responsibility in a range of organizations for more than 30 years. He was most recently the director of technical services for Recreational Equipment, Incorporated (REI). Before joining REI, Hughes was co-founder and chief information officer for Cascadia Community College after a 15-year technology career with Boeing. At Boeing, he managed business applications, systems engineering, software process improvement, software cost management, software engineering education, and merger integration function and change programs. He also held systems analysis and software development positions with Tenneco and Getty Oil.

Hughes earned an MS in Global Supply Chain Management from the University of Alaska Anchorage, a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and a Master's in Software Engineering from Seattle University, and an MBA in Organizational Behavior at California State University, Bakersfield. He has training and certifications in a number of specialties, including: Global Competencies Inventory & Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (ICI); Crowdsourcing and Innovation Management Best Practices (Ideascale); Change Management Process, Methodologies, and Tools (Prosci); Leadership & Customer Service Trainer (Achieve Global); Manager of Quality/Operational Excellence (ASQ); Supply Management Training (ISM CPSM T3 Trainer); Fastrac Entrepreneurship (Kauffman Foundation); Organization Workshop (Power & Systems); Materials Handling Training (CICMHE MHTI); Competency Development (CYGNUS); Risk Communication (Cultural Effect); and Precise Communication (Vervago).

He has been a reviewer for Computing Reviews since 1988, and has written over 60 reviews.


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