Maulik A. Dave completed his PhD in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Science. Earlier, he completed his BE in Civil Engineering at M.S. University of Baroda. His PhD thesis received an award from the Institute. For the thesis, he designed a new programming language and implemented a compiler for it. At the Indian Institute of Science, he was chairman of the students’ council for a year, and was actively involved in student activities. He has also completed the Madhyama purna exam of Gandharva Mahavidyalay for Indian classical music.
After finishing his education, he decided to join industry. In earlier years, he worked at companies such as Sun and IBM, as well as research startups. He established his own company later on. For the last nine years, he has worked as a developer in industry where he has applied his knowledge of programming and systems to develop and maintain various software systems. As part of the commercial world, he has obtained certificates for Java, MySQL, and software development. He has worked with technologies involving systems computing, enterprise computing, and applications.
During his education, his research areas of interests were compilers, programming languages, and parallel processing. Later on, his interests also included simulation and software development. His interests further grew when he started reviewing research papers and books. He has reviewed in almost all areas of computer science, as well as in management, engineering, and mathematics.
He has written 87 reviews in Computing Reviews. His most active year was 2012, when he wrote more than 25 reviews. He has also written reviews for the ACM SIGACT newsletter, IEEE Computer Society, and Mathematical Reviews. His research-based publications have appeared in the Journal of Indian Institute of Science and the Proceedings of the International Conference on High-Performance Computing. He has volunteered as the director of professional activities at IEEE Atlanta.