Computing Reviews

Beginning C++17 :from novice to professional (5th ed.)
Horton I., Weert P., Apress,New York, NY,2018. 771 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 09/16/19

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has recently extended and improved the C++ language. It is great for C++ beginners to have a book that corresponds to the latest ISO standard C++17.

The book is divided into 19 chapters. Chapter 1 covers the basic ideas and concepts of C++ and object-oriented programming (OOP). Chapters 2 and 3 introduce fundamental types of data. Chapter 4 presents the logic of decision making, including comparison, multiple choice situations, and so on. Chapter 5 talks about arrays and loops, and chapter 6 presents pointers and references. Chapter 7 focuses on strings. Chapter 8 discusses defining functions, including concepts like pass by value, pass by reference, static function, function overloading, and recursion. Chapter 9 is dedicated to function templates. Chapter 10 discusses program files and preprocessing directives. Chapter 11 starts to introduce OOP using classes: constructors, destructors, the const keyword for objects and member functions, friends, static members, and so on. Chapter 12 presents the operator overloading. Chapters 13 and 14 cover inheritance and polymorphism for OOP. Chapter 15 focuses on runtime errors and exceptions. Chapter 16 is for class templates and chapter 17 is on move semantics. Chapter 18 covers pointers to functions, function objects, and Lambda expressions. The last chapter (19) discusses containers and algorithms.

The book presents the logic and contents very clearly. It covers every basic aspect of C++ programming, and all of the examples are written in C++17. C++ beginners will learn the fundamental parts of C++ programming using C++17. Furthermore, the examples come with source code (on the book’s website) so that readers can easily try them out. In summary: it is a great first book for C++ beginners, who should work through the material chapter by chapter, and readers who want to learn modern C++ programming using C++17.

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Reviewer:  Zhaoqiang Lai Review #: CR146692 (1912-0415)

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