Computing Reviews

The secret formula for choosing the right next role
Matsudaira K. Communications of the ACM61(10):44-46,2018.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 12/03/18

Like it or not, tech professionals still very much enjoy great career opportunities. Searching and changing positions, with various motivations, is just a part of life for some tech professionals. Reported in a recent survey, the tech sector has the highest turnover rate out of every single business sector. The median tenure at tech giants such as Amazon and Google is only around a year or so.

While it is not hard for a tech professional to find his or her next position, it is not that easy to determine if the next role is right or not. The author of this article shares her “secret formula for choosing the right next role.” The secret consists of two parts: focus on long-term career objectives, without being deviated by insignificant factors such as job title or short-term financial gain; and place where you work above specific projects you work on. She supports her secret key with her own experiences and provides insight into choosing the next role right.

Everyone working in the tech sector--especially those already considering their next role--should benefit from reading this article. Who doesn’t want to know the secret formula?

Reviewer:  Chenyi Hu Review #: CR146332 (1902-0069)

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