Computing Reviews

Maximizing polynomials subject to assignment constraints
Makarychev K., Sviridenko M. ACM Transactions on Algorithms13(4):1-15,2017.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 07/13/18

This paper considers “the q-adic assignment problem.” Fix a number q (originally q=2), and suppose we are given, for some number n, a 2q-dimensional array of costs cu,v where u and v are q-tuples of indices (from one to n). If π is a permutation of the indices 1,...,n, write π(u) for the q-tuple π(u1),...,π(uq), that is, the same permutation is applied to each component. Then the problem is to find the permutation π minimizing ∑ucu,π(u), where the sum is taken over all nq possible q-tuples u. The original version of this problem--“first defined by Koopmans and Beckman” [2]--is when cu,v decomposes as cu,v=wudv; thus we have 2nq cost elements rather than n2q, which is what the authors mean by “Koopmans-Beckman.”

Despite the importance, no good exact algorithms are known, and apparently q=4,n=14 is insoluble in practice.

What, then, about approximation algorithms? The news is not good here either. The authors have previously shown that (under very plausible complexity assumptions) a poly-logarithmic approximation algorithm is impossible, even for q=2 [2]. The best general algorithm for the Koopmans-Beckman variant is one with performance guarantee εnq/2 and running time nO(q/ε) for any ε>0 [1]. For the special case q=2, Makarychev et al. provide an algorithm with performance guarantee O(√n) [2]. The main result of this paper is an Oq(n(q-1)/2)-approximation algorithm for the Koopmans-Beckman variant, thus improving slightly on [1] and matching [2] in the case q=2.

This is a pretty technical paper, but should be of interest to those (for example, in very-large-scale integration (VLSI)) solving these problems for q>2.


Barvinok, A. Estimating L norms by L2k norms for functions on orbits. Found. Comput. Math. 2, 4(2002), 393–412.


Makarychev, K.; Manokaran, R.; Sviridenko, M. Maximum quadratic assignment problem: reduction from maximum label cover and LP-based approximation algorithm. ACM Trans. Algorithms 10, 4(2014), 1–18.

Reviewer:  J. H. Davenport Review #: CR146147 (1809-0518)

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