Computing Reviews

A new nonparametric screening method for ultrahigh-dimensional survival data
Liu Y., Zhang J., Zhao X. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis119(C):74-85,2018.Type:Article
Date Reviewed: 05/31/18

Groundbreaking effective algorithms for overcoming the discrepancies in the existing screening procedures for ultrahigh-dimensional medical survival data are long overdue. Liu et al. offer a nonparametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test statistic for understanding the ultrahigh-dimensional survival patterns in the historical genomic and health datasets of patients. They propose a model-free screening procedure that incorporates alternative covariate variables of patient data into a data analysis for exploring medicinal treatments in areas such as cancer.

The authors convincingly present algorithms for independently applying the K-S test statistic, and well-known survival data distributions for screening patient data over time. The exponential variation in alternative patient data is used to illuminate the steadfast screening characteristics of the bid K-S-based procedure for exploring patterns in ultrahigh-dimensional censored data. The authors perform theoretical and practical simulation experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed K-S statistic and the new procedure for use in medical screenings of the ultrahigh-dimensional survival data of patients. The theoretical simulation experiments show reliable data modeling results that mimic hazards, nonlinear interaction, and time series models.

In an experimental study, the proposed nonparametric procedure was reliably used to identify the genes germane to the survival of cancer. The nonparametric method allows for categorical and continuous variables to be incorporated as covariates in the screening of ultrahigh-dimensional patient data, and to reliably forecast the survival of patients in medical treatments using differently scaled historical records. All computational statisticians ought to read and comment on the theoretical proofs of the lemmas underlying the K-S-based procedures outlined in this paper.

Reviewer:  Amos Olagunju Review #: CR146055 (1808-0439)

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