Computing Reviews

Internet of Things :novel advances and envisioned applications
Acharjya D., Geetha M., Springer International Publishing,New York, NY,2017. 311 pp.Type:Book
Date Reviewed: 01/17/18

This volume is a collection of 15 standalone papers, assembled into four sections covering selected aspects of an emerging and fast-moving field generically described as the Internet of Things (IoT) [1]. The individual papers are international in scope; 36 authors represent institutions in seven countries, all of which are from outside the US.

The first section, more than a third of the volume, contains five individual papers addressing the first half of the book’s subtitle: a variety of “novel advances” in IoT applications, including modeling, searching, data analytics, software building, applications, and social impact. The final three sections present ten individual papers, which more or less address the “envisioned applications” per the title. These ten papers, nine of which are entirely authored by individuals from Indian educational institutions, address a wide range of emergent applications and potential scalable service-oriented system architectures for their implementation. Among the more useful topics addressed in these papers are distributed storage, wireless sensor networks, and cloud computing.

Because data and operational security, privacy, and robustness in the face of a tailored attack are of paramount importance to the utility of IoT within the several envisioned environments, it is welcome that many of these papers do attempt to address the many security and privacy issues and associated challenges inherent to these envisioned IoT applications. This inclusion of security relevant considerations is a considerable improvement over that offered by many other current publications in the IoT field. Unfortunately, the papers selected for this collection tend to stay at the description level and mostly do not at all delve into emerging developments to address and mitigate these issues.

This volume is neither a textbook nor proceedings of any conference or symposium. Almost all of the papers are application specific across a variety of domains, including smart homes, health, transportation, environment, and energy initiatives. Each standalone paper includes references, but topical coverage among them does have some subject matter overlap (though the papers are not cross-referenced). A further assessment of the individual papers thus assembled, however meritorious by themselves, is beyond the scope of this review. The editors have not included an overall index, which would be helpful in identifying where specific topics are addressed in multiple papers. A common list of acronyms is included; a common set of references integrated across all papers is not.

Subject to these limitations, this collection is recommended for advanced students, information system practitioners, and other IoT support policy or decision-making scholars.


Sheng, M.; Qin, Y.; Yao, L.; Benatallah, B. (Eds.) Managing the Web of Things: linking the real world to the web. Elsevier, Cambridge, MA, 2017.

Reviewer:  A. G. Larson Review #: CR145774 (1803-0119)

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